
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World

anders österberg

10 articles:

Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT)

Increasing consensus holds that democracy is in decline globally. Elements of backsliding include progressive erosion of such principles as separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial independence...

War in Ukraine

War in Ukraine

in News Center

On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. This premeditated, unjustified, and unjustifiable invasion, firmly condemned by PGA, represents an act of aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of the UN Charter...

Italy and Sweden Ratify the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes

Leading Parliamentarians from Italy, Sweden and the European Parliament stress the importance of the fight against impunity for international crimes, including the aggressive use of force.

Joint Statement of Concern on the Rise in Anti-Bahá’í  Propaganda

A recent report by the Bahá'í Community of Canada found that “Iran’s state-sponsored campaign of hatred against the Bahá'í Faith has been on the rise across all media platforms, including the web, social media, radio, newspapers, and television.”

New Zealand MPs committed to supporting Nasrin Sotoudeh & Human Rights Defenders

The New Zealand Parliament and PGA, co-organized a critical event to support and advocate for the immediate and unconditional release of Iranian human rights defender, Nasrin Sotoudeh

Panel Discussion: How Parliamentarians Can Support At-Risk Human Rights Defenders

Parliamentarians for Global Action and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights co-hosted a panel discussion on the documentary film NASRIN and how legislators can support at-risk human rights defenders.

Parliamentarians around the world condemn the coup d’état in Myanmar

PGA strongly condemns the coup d’état that took place today in Myanmar and urges the Myanmar military "to respect the rule of law" and "release immediately all civilian leaders and others who have been detained unlawfully.”

Zimbabwe should end human rights abuses and uphold democratic principles and the rule of law

Recent crackdowns in Zimbabwe have left the country with several people killed, injured and arrested.

Member Op-Ed: Parliamentarians Must Face the Democratic Impacts of Covid-19 Together

by Mr. Anders Österberg, MP (Sweden), and Hon. Dorcas Sibanda, MP (Zimbabwe)

PGA Launches the Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT)

Increasing consensus holds that democracy is in decline globally. Elements of backsliding include progressive erosion of such principles as separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial independence...