
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

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Second Biannual Strategic Roundtable of the PGA UN Committee

Second Biannual Strategic Roundtable of the PGA UN Committee

On 13 June 2016, PGA held its second UN Committee Meeting of 2016, hosted by H.E. Ambassador Gillian Bird, Perm. Rep. of Australia to the UN at the Permanent Mission of Australia to the UN.
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37th Annual Parliamentary Forum: ‘The Role of Parliamentarians in Support of Peace and Security’

37th Annual Parliamentary Forum: ‘The Role of Parliamentarians in Support of Peace and Security’

San Salvador, El Salvador - 30th November - 1st December 2015.
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PGA President Dip. Minou Tavarez Mirabal (Dominican Republic) Welcomes Entry Into Force of Arms Trade Treaty

PGA President Dip. Minou Tavarez Mirabal (Dominican Republic) Welcomes Entry Into Force of Arms Trade Treaty

Statement by Dip. Minou Tavarez Mirabal, President, PGA.
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UN Highlights contribution of Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina) to Disarmament

UN Highlights contribution of Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina) to Disarmament

PGA Congratulates Co-Convenor of Peace & Democracy Program, Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina) on being named by United Nations as a Major Contributor to Disarmament from Latin America.
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Addressing Illegal Trade in SALW Namibia Workshop 2013

Addressing Illegal Trade in SALW Namibia Workshop 2013

Hosted by the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of Namibia, PGA organized a Regional Parliamentary Workshop on ‘Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Supporting an Arms Trade Treaty – The Ro
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PGA Delegation to the Second Review Conference on the UN

PGA Delegation to the Second Review Conference on the UN

PGA will bring a small Delegation of Legislators from Senegal and Sweden to attend the Second Review Conference on the UN Program of Action (PoA) to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.
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