
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

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Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The High Seas – Unregulated and Under Attack

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The High Seas – Unregulated and Under Attack

Urgent action is needed to improve fisheries management in the open ocean, and to strengthen protection of related ecosystems to prevent devastating impacts on marine biodiversity, socio-economic well-being and food security for millions of people.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Protecting the Deep Seabed

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Protecting the Deep Seabed

The scientific community, civil society, fishing industry, and politicians have raised concerns that the risks associated with further damaging the deep-sea outweigh any potential net benefits for humankind.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Timeline for Protecting the Deep Seabed

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Timeline for Protecting the Deep Seabed

The International Seabed Authority (ISA) has initiated negotiations to develop regulations for deep seabed mining (DSM) exploitation and is attempting to adopt them by July 2023.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Small-Scale Fisheries, Sustainable Development, and Food Security

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Small-Scale Fisheries, Sustainable Development, and Food Security

Small-scale fisheries (SFF) account for more than 90 percent of the world's capture fishers and fish workers and supply approximately 50 percent of all global fish catches.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Sustainably Managed Marine Protected Areas and Climate Change

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Sustainably Managed Marine Protected Areas and Climate Change

Currently, MPAs account for only 7.92 percent of the ocean, though at least 30 percent is needed to build the resilience of ocean life to sufficiently adapt to climate change and buffer it from other threats.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Parliamentary Handbook on the Role of Women Parliamentarians in Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Parliamentary Handbook on the Role of Women Parliamentarians in Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

The purpose of this Parliamentary Handbook is to highlight why and how Women Parliamentarians can make decisive contributions in pushing back against a threat that has never been more clear and present.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
The Time to Adopt a Treaty on the Prohibition of Fully Autonomous Weapons is Now

The Time to Adopt a Treaty on the Prohibition of Fully Autonomous Weapons is Now

With increasing calls now for the adoption of a treaty on the prohibition of fully autonomous weapons, the global community has a unique opportunity 'this time round' to do things rather differently.
Booklet: Common Myths about LGBTI people and suggestions on how to respond

Booklet: Common Myths about LGBTI people and suggestions on how to respond

Here are some of the most common myths about LGBTI people and some suggestions on how to respond from a human rights standpoint.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Handbook: Advancing the Human Rights and Inclusion of LGBTI People

Handbook: Advancing the Human Rights and Inclusion of LGBTI People

The challenges facing LGBTI people around the world – and their allies working to promote respect for their human rights and inclusion – remain formidable.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Advocacy Brief: The role of parliamentarians in guaranteeing the right to gender identity

Advocacy Brief: The role of parliamentarians in guaranteeing the right to gender identity

In addition to advancing gender identity laws that establish procedures for the change of name and sex/gender, parliamentarians can promote the right to gender identity in their legislative function.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Parliamentary Toolkit on the Arms Trade Treaty

Parliamentary Toolkit on the Arms Trade Treaty

Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the ATT
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Assuring our Common Future: Parliamentary Handbook on Disarmament

Assuring our Common Future: Parliamentary Handbook on Disarmament

A guide to parliamentary action in support of disarmament for security and sustainable development.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
In Defense of Human Dignity: Striking the Balance of Peace and Justice

In Defense of Human Dignity: Striking the Balance of Peace and Justice

20th Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Victoria Plan of Action (2023)

Victoria Plan of Action (2023)

At the conclusion of the 44th Annual Parliamentary Forum, parliamentarians adopted the Victoria Plan of Action to describe commitments and follow up actions.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
PGA Annual Report 2023

PGA Annual Report 2023

2023 was a difficult year for the causes of democracy, human rights, peace, justice and equality.
in Resources for Parliamentarians
Key Recommendations on the Role of Parliamentarians for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters

Key Recommendations on the Role of Parliamentarians for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters

Developed during the Parliamentary Caucus that took place within the framework of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean’s (ECLAC) Second Annual Forum on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters in Latin America & the Caribbean