
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

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Welcoming Ceremony on the Occasion of the Accession of El Salvador to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Welcoming Ceremony on the Occasion of the Accession of El Salvador to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

On 2 June 2016, the International Criminal Court (ICC) held a ceremony to welcome El Salvador as the 124th State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Parliamentary Action to Prevent Violent Extremism and Atrocities

Parliamentary Action to Prevent Violent Extremism and Atrocities

The PGA Campaign to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism is part of an advocacy effort to address and eliminate the theoretical and practical bases of violent extremism.
PGA Parliamentary Seminar on Promoting Gender Justice and the Rule of Law through National Mechanisms

PGA Parliamentary Seminar on Promoting Gender Justice and the Rule of Law through National Mechanisms

On 26 May 2016, PGA and the Committee for Inter-parliamentary Cooperation of the House of Representatives of Indonesia co-organized a Seminar on the ICC & Gender Justice.
PGA Member Dip. Tucapel Jimenez meets with the Under-Secretary of Foreign Relations, Mr. Edgar Riveros, to discuss the status of Implementation of the BWC

PGA Member Dip. Tucapel Jimenez meets with the Under-Secretary of Foreign Relations, Mr. Edgar Riveros, to discuss the status of Implementation of the BWC

On 24 May 2016, Dip. Tucapel Jimenez visited the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs to meet with the Under-Secretary of Foreign Relations, Mr. Edgar Riveros.

Campaign: Biological Security and Health
PGA’s participation in the experts’ hearing on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court: towards a concrete and expanded commitment

PGA’s participation in the experts’ hearing on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court: towards a concrete and expanded commitment

On 17-18 May 2016, upon invitation of International Law and Human Rights Co- Convenor, Sen. Alain Destexhe, the ICC President Judge Silvia Fernandez and PGA Secretary General participated in the experts’ hearing on Cooperation with the ICC

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA calls for the Arrest and Surrender to the ICC of Mr. Omar al-Bashir

PGA calls for the Arrest and Surrender to the ICC of Mr. Omar al-Bashir

Media sources are reporting that today, 12 May 2016, Uganda is receiving in Kampala a fugitive of international justice, Mr. Omar Al-Bashir, the President of Sudan.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Chile - Draft Parliamentary Resolution on the Kampala Amendments

Chile - Draft Parliamentary Resolution on the Kampala Amendments

On 3 May 2016, the President of PGA’s National Group in Chile, Dip. Tucapel Jimenez, presented a Draft Parliamentary Resolution to the Chamber of Deputies requesting the President of Chile to deposit Chile’s instruments for the Kampala amendments.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Ugandan Delegation to the Hague

Ugandan Delegation to the Hague

On 18-22 April 2016, PGA facilitated the visit of a high-level Parliamentary Delegation from Uganda to The Hague.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Ugandan MPs visit ICC to participate at 14th TFV Directors meeting and enhance Cooperation with ICC

Ugandan MPs visit ICC to participate at 14th TFV Directors meeting and enhance Cooperation with ICC

Members of the PGA National Group Uganda visited the International Criminal Court (ICC) to engage in high-level bilateral meetings with representatives of ICC, Government officials and Dutch MPs.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Open Letter to President of Afghanistan on fighting impunity for ICC crimes

Open Letter to President of Afghanistan on fighting impunity for ICC crimes

Open Letter to H.E. President Ashraf Ghani, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Press Statement: PGA Mission to El Salvador to address a hearing of the Foreign Affairs Committee on cooperation with the ICC

Press Statement: PGA Mission to El Salvador to address a hearing of the Foreign Affairs Committee on cooperation with the ICC

On 11 April 2016 PGA assisted the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador in the realization of a hearing on domestic implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
PGA Mission to El Salvador to address a hearing of the Foreign Affairs Committee on cooperation with the ICC

PGA Mission to El Salvador to address a hearing of the Foreign Affairs Committee on cooperation with the ICC

The testimonies of PGA and ICC representatives aimed at explaining the legislative implications of the obligation of States Parties to cooperate with the ICC.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
The Chamber of Deputies of Chile unanimously adopted a resolution on cooperation with the ICC

The Chamber of Deputies of Chile unanimously adopted a resolution on cooperation with the ICC

On Wednesday 6 April 2016 the Chamber of Deputies of Chile unanimously adopted resolution 526 calling on the Executive to send a bill on cooperation with the International Criminal Court

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
The United Nations Committee for PGA

The United Nations Committee for PGA

PGA works closely with the UN system through its advisory body, the United Nations Committee for PGA, which comprises senior UN ambassadors, high-level UN officials, and some leading NGO representatives.
Ad Hoc Mission to Kyiv as part of the efforts towards Universal Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute

Ad Hoc Mission to Kyiv as part of the efforts towards Universal Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute

The visit fell during a pivotal moment in the Verkhovna Rada with respect to Ukraine’s ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC