
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

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PGA congratulates Armenia on ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

PGA congratulates Armenia on ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Parliamentarians for Global Action congratulates the Armenian Government on the deposit of instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute to the United Nations on 14 November 2023.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Parliamentary Kit on the International Criminal Court

Parliamentary Kit on the International Criminal Court

It is imperative that the Rome Statute be ratified universally for the successful functioning of the Court. Parliamentarians should ensure that the ICC is truly universal.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Key ICC Judicial & Other Developments (January 2023 – June 2023)

Key ICC Judicial & Other Developments (January 2023 – June 2023)

A non-exhaustive summary of key ICC judicial developments in the first half of 2023

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA expresses sincere condolences on the passing of its extraordinary former member, Prof. Vittorio Prodi

PGA expresses sincere condolences on the passing of its extraordinary former member, Prof. Vittorio Prodi

Prof. Prodi was an engaged PGA Member during the 10 years as elected Member of the European Parliament during the 6th and 7th parliamentary terms, in particular in his position of the Chairperson of the PGA European Parliament Group in 2005-07.
A quarter century since the inception of the International Criminal Court

A quarter century since the inception of the International Criminal Court

Today, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) commemorates the 25th Anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a milestone in the collective pursuit of justice, accountability, and the Rule of Law.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Statement of PGA Group in the European Parliament on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Statement of PGA Group in the European Parliament on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

On the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, we, members of Parliamentarians for Global Action in the European Parliament, reaffirm our unwavering commitment to universal accountability for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA gathers parliamentarians from the ACP-EU to discuss the International Criminal Court

PGA gathers parliamentarians from the ACP-EU to discuss the International Criminal Court

PGA event in the European Parliament – ‘Demystifying the International Criminal Court: The Importance of Reinforcing the Universality of the Rome Statute'

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Handbook for Parliamentarians: National Nomination of Judicial Candidates for the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Handbook for Parliamentarians: National Nomination of Judicial Candidates for the International Criminal Court (ICC)

In this handbook, PGA sets forth specific criteria and recommendations for Parliamentarians to encourage their governments to improve national nomination procedures for ICC judicial candidates and adopt good practices and requirements to ensure these processes are fair, transparent, and merit-based.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Algeria and the Rome Statute

Algeria and the Rome Statute

Algeria signed the Rome Statute on 28 December 2000. Ratification Status: Algeria has not yet ratified the Rome Statute. Algeria has attended several session of the Assembly of States Parties as observers.
Antigua & Barbuda and the Rome Statute

Antigua & Barbuda and the Rome Statute

Antigua and Barbuda and the ICC: Antigua and Barbuda signed the Rome Statute on 23 October 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 18 June 2001.
Armenia and the Rome Statute

Armenia and the Rome Statute

On 14 November, 2023, Ambassador Mher Margaryan deposited Armenia’s instrument of accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, with Armenia becoming the 124th State Party to the ICC.
Argentina and the Rome Statute

Argentina and the Rome Statute

As a member of the Organization of American States, Argentina has supported the promotion of the International Criminal Court by adopting an annual resolution by the General Assembly of the OAS and by holding an annual working meeting of high-level within the Political and Juridical Affairs Committee of the OAS.
Australia and the Rome Statute

Australia and the Rome Statute

Australia deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 1 July 2002.
Bahrain and the Rome Statute

Bahrain and the Rome Statute

Bahrain signed the Rome Statute on 11 December 2000. Bahrain has not yet ratified the Rome Statute.
Bangladesh and the Rome Statute

Bangladesh and the Rome Statute

Bangladesh became the 111th State to ratify the Rome Statute.