
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

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Dominican House of Deputies Approves in Second Reading the Draft Bill on Cooperation and Relation with the ICC

Dominican House of Deputies Approves in Second Reading the Draft Bill on Cooperation and Relation with the ICC

On 19 June 2018, the House of Deputies of the Dominican Republic approved in first reading the Draft Bill Number 05835-2016-2020-CD on Cooperation and Relations with the ICC.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA National Group in Venezuela supports the report of the UN High Commissioner

PGA National Group in Venezuela supports the report of the UN High Commissioner

The report on the systematic violations of human rights in Venezuela: "A downward spiral that does not seem to end".

Campaign: Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
Strategic Roundtable Discussion on IUU Fishing and the Cape Town Agreement (CTA)

Strategic Roundtable Discussion on IUU Fishing and the Cape Town Agreement (CTA)

PGA held its first Strategic Roundtable Discussion on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU) and the Cape Town Agreement (CTA).

Campaign: Protection of the Oceans
In Memoriam: Diputada Bertha Sanseverino, Parliament of Uruguay

In Memoriam: Diputada Bertha Sanseverino, Parliament of Uruguay

Dip. Bertha Sanseverino (1946-2018)
Parliamentarians from Francophone Africa meet in Kinshasa to discuss the abolition of the death penalty

Parliamentarians from Francophone Africa meet in Kinshasa to discuss the abolition of the death penalty

Parliamentarians from West and Central Africa shared their experiences and discussed the future of the abolitionist movement in the region.

Campaign: Abolition of the Death Penalty
Parliamentary Handbook on Preventing Violent Extremism and Mass Atrocities

Parliamentary Handbook on Preventing Violent Extremism and Mass Atrocities

At a time when extremism and mass atrocity crimes appear to be on the rise, national governments, international and regional organizations are struggling to protect populations from grave human rights abuses.
European Parliament adopts Resolution condemning the deteriorating human rights situation in the Philippines

European Parliament adopts Resolution condemning the deteriorating human rights situation in the Philippines

PGA Board Member Barbara Lochbihler introduced a comprehensive draft that contributed to the final text supported by all political groups.
Chilean lawmakers call on the Government to send the Draft Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court to Congress

Chilean lawmakers call on the Government to send the Draft Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court to Congress

On Wednesday, 11 April 2018, Diputado Tucapel Jiménez, Member of PGA’s Executive Committee, presented Draft Agreement number 43 supported by eight legislators from different political parties during a plenary session

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA congratulates the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica for the Final Approval of the Draft Bill on Cooperation with the ICC

PGA congratulates the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica for the Final Approval of the Draft Bill on Cooperation with the ICC

Draft law 19.665 on Cooperation and Relation with the ICC was unanimously approved during its reading debate.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA Promotes the Universality of the Rome Statute at the Special Session of the OAS on the ICC

PGA Promotes the Universality of the Rome Statute at the Special Session of the OAS on the ICC

On 15 March 2018, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), participated in the 10th Special Session of the Organization of American States (OAS) on the International Criminal Court (ICC), organized by the OAS Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA congratulates the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica for approving the Draft Cooperation Law with the ICC in its first debate

PGA congratulates the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica for approving the Draft Cooperation Law with the ICC in its first debate

The Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica approved draft law 19.665 on Cooperation and Relation with the International Criminal Court.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA calls on the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the international community to guarantee the human rights of all in the DRC

PGA calls on the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the international community to guarantee the human rights of all in the DRC

Attacks against civilians can be qualified as crimes against humanity and perpetrators shall be brought to justice.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA President meets with Speaker of the Rada of Ukraine and key Legislators in Kyiv

PGA President meets with Speaker of the Rada of Ukraine and key Legislators in Kyiv

Field mission entailed discussion of the organization of the 40th Annual Forum.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
The Chairman of the Ukrainian Human Rights Committee met with the President and Secretary General of PGA

The Chairman of the Ukrainian Human Rights Committee met with the President and Secretary General of PGA

The parties discussed the situation in Ukraine and the issue of inter-parliamentary cooperation.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Historic Accomplishment of the Republic of Argentina: First Country in the World to have signed All Four Cooperation Agreements with the International Criminal Court

Historic Accomplishment of the Republic of Argentina: First Country in the World to have signed All Four Cooperation Agreements with the International Criminal Court

Today, the Republic of Argentina signed its third and fourth cooperation agreements with the International Criminal Court (ICC), on interim release and the release of persons.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC