
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

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Renewed momentum for universality and cooperation ahead of the 20th anniversary of the ICC

Renewed momentum for universality and cooperation ahead of the 20th anniversary of the ICC

The Organization of American States (OAS) held its Technical Working Meeting to strengthen cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians on the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law (CAP-ICC)

Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians on the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law (CAP-ICC)

The Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians on the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law (CAP-ICC) is the only global gathering of legislators focused solely on the Rome Statute system of the ICC.
Statement of the Ecocide Alliance On Environmental Crimes in Ukraine

Statement of the Ecocide Alliance On Environmental Crimes in Ukraine

The Russian military invasion of Ukraine has passed its third month. During this time, we have witnessed appalling violations of humanitarian law, international law and the international order. This invasion has come with not only grave humanitarian consequences but also long-term environmental costs.
Third Roundtable: Supporting Afghan Nationals on the Ground and in Exile

Third Roundtable: Supporting Afghan Nationals on the Ground and in Exile

To avoid Afghanistan becoming a safe haven for perpetrators of egregious crimes, the international community must continue securing support and resources for the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Ukraine: PGA calls for the ratification of the Rome Statute and welcomes the adoption of the Law on Cooperation with the ICC by the Verkhovna Rada

Ukraine: PGA calls for the ratification of the Rome Statute and welcomes the adoption of the Law on Cooperation with the ICC by the Verkhovna Rada

PGA welcomes the adoption of the Law on the Amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine by the Verkhovna Rada on 03 May 2022.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
A Giant Stride Towards Justice and Accountability in Colombia

A Giant Stride Towards Justice and Accountability in Colombia

For the first time, Colombia and the victims of mass atrocity crimes had the opportunity to hear publicly from the perpetrators about their involvement and responsibility for these crimes and answer questions before their victims.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
ICC President met with officials and PGA members in Guinea Bissau to advance the Rome Statute ratification

ICC President met with officials and PGA members in Guinea Bissau to advance the Rome Statute ratification

President of the International Criminal Court, Judge Piotr Hofmański, held productive talks with Government authorities and political leaders to pave the way forward towards the ratification of the Rome Statute by Guinea- Bissau.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
War in Ukraine

War in Ukraine

On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. This premeditated, unjustified, and unjustifiable invasion, firmly condemned by PGA, represents an act of aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of the UN Charter...

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA Statement on Atrocity-Crimes Committed in the Context of the Aggression Against Ukraine

PGA Statement on Atrocity-Crimes Committed in the Context of the Aggression Against Ukraine

PGA joins the forceful statement issued today in Kyiv by the Euromaidan SOS coalition calling for the President of Ukraine to sign into law Act of Parliament No. 2689
Modernizing the International Criminal Court: Crimes against the Environment, Human Trafficking, Hybrid Justice and Corporate Accountability

Modernizing the International Criminal Court: Crimes against the Environment, Human Trafficking, Hybrid Justice and Corporate Accountability

The International Criminal Court (ICC) turns 20 this year. To enhance its legitimacy and efficacy, the ICC must consider and address innovations.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
Expanding the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: A Project in Cooperation with Harvard Law School

Expanding the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: A Project in Cooperation with Harvard Law School

The PGA Secretariat has taken part in a project aimed at increasing the efficiency and legitimacy of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in collaboration with Harvard Law School Advocates for Human Rights.

Campaign: Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA Firmly Condemns the Aggressive War Launched by the Russian Federation Against Ukraine

PGA Firmly Condemns the Aggressive War Launched by the Russian Federation Against Ukraine

International Law provides that the use of military force in the territories of other States is lawful only if authorized under Chapter VII of the UN Charter or in self-defense against an armed attack or when the territorial State genuinely gives consent.
Our Partners

Our Partners

PGA contributes to creating an enabling environment for positive changes, especially through activities that facilitate connections between civil society and parliamentarians, as well as building bridges between domestic and international policy-makers an
Our History and Achievements

Our History and Achievements

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) was established in 1978 in Washington, D.C., by a group of concerned parliamentarians from around the world to take collective, coordinated and cohesive actions on global problems.
The Attempted Coup d’etat in Guinea Bissau Signals the Necessity of a New Global Focus in Support of Democracy and the Rule of Law

The Attempted Coup d’etat in Guinea Bissau Signals the Necessity of a New Global Focus in Support of Democracy and the Rule of Law

Parliamentarians for Global Action firmly condemns the failed coup d’état in Bissau and expresses its heartfelt condolences to the families of the defenders of democracy who gave their lives in resisting to the violent attackers.

Campaign: Democratic Renewal and Human Rights