
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World


The Role of Parliamentarians in Implementing Forced Marriage as a Crime against Humanity in their Domestic Legislation
The Role of Parliamentarians in Implementing Forced Marriage as a Crime against Humanity in their Domestic Legislation

The Role of Parliamentarians in Implementing Forced Marriage as a Crime against Humanity in their Domestic Legislation

[This resource was published jointly by the CEFM and the RS Campaigns.]


Parliamentarians are key players in ending child, early and forced marriage, as they can lead the development of relevant legislation and policies, set the political agenda as opinion leaders on ending the practice, pass domestic budgets, monitor implementation, and ensure accountability for both national and international commitments, including to reach target 5.3 of SDG 5.

Parliamentarians can guarantee the voices of citizens, particularly of girls, are heard in order to mobilise political will and commitment to end child, early and forced marriage.

[This resource was published jointly by the CEFM and the RS Campaigns.]


Additional Details

  • Publication Type: Toolkit
  • Author(s): Parliamentarians for Global Action

The PGA Secretariat stands ready to assist you in these or other actions. For technical assistance and more information on the Campaign to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage, please contact:

Ms. Mónica Adame

Ms. Faatimah Saarah Monawvil
Program Officer