
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Kit

PGA has produced a new package of user-friendly documents to help parliamentarians and other stakeholders understand some of the key issues affecting LGBTI people and to encourage them to spread a message of inclusion on social media.

The package includes:

Two informative documents:

  1. A booklet with some of the most common myths about LGBTI people and suggestions on how to respond from a human rights standpoint.
  2. An advocacy brief about the role of parliamentarians in guaranteeing the right to gender identity.

And two action-oriented practical tools:

  1. A list of suggested messages.
  2. A collection of graphics.

Feel free to share them widely on your social media platforms using the hashtag #lgbtiinclusion

Thank you in advance for your collaboration!


LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Graphics
LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Graphics

LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Graphics

PGA has produced a new package of user-friendly documents to help parliamentarians and other stakeholders understand some of the key issues affecting LGBTI people and to encourage them to spread a message of inclusion on social media.


Feel free to share them widely on your social media platforms using the hashtag #lgbtiinclusion

Thank you in advance for your collaboration!


Additional Details

  • Publication Type: Social Media Resource
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Author(s): Parliamentarians for Global Action


LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Messages
LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Messages

LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Messages

Suggested messages to post on Twitter and/or Facebook


Additional Details

  • Publication Type: Social Media Resource
  • Publication Date: 13 March, 2018
  • Author(s): Parliamentarians for Global Action


The 3rd Pacific Human Rights Conference on Pacific Islanders of Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics: Working for Global Justice and Local Human Rights.

PGA organized meetings for legislators to engage in dialogue on the situation of LGBTQI+ persons in Pacific Island States to effectively address pressing issues such as climate resilience, health, education and economic sustainability.

Photo by Marta Branco: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-multicolored-heart-decor-1173576/

In the last two years, there has been a surge in hostility and discriminatory legislation targeting LGBTQI+ persons fueled by foreign-funded, anti-rights movements and scapegoating of vulnerable populations for political gain

Photo by chris robert on Unsplash

To avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, I invite my African sisters and brothers to know how to relativize our certainties, whenever human rights and human dignity are at stake, as in the treatment of the LGBTQ+ issue.