
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World


Parliamentary Toolkit on the Arms Trade Treaty
Parliamentary Toolkit on the Arms Trade Treaty

Parliamentary Toolkit on the Arms Trade Treaty

Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the ATT


The purpose of the PGA Parliamentary Took Kit on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is to provide Parliamentarians with a practical, hands-on capacity building mechanism to facilitate their understanding of the ATT and, more concretely, through consecutive Article-by-Article contextual/forensic analysis, to identify the many ways in which Parliamentarians can invoke their constitutional and legislative prerogatives to promote ratification and adequate implementation of the ATT in their respective countries.

In terms of methodology, this Parliamentary Tool Kit sets out, very briefly, the subject matter of each consecutive article of the ATT and, thereafter, the different implications and ramifications for Parliamentarians of each such Article of the ATT. Parliamentarians are recommended to have, at all times, a copy of the Arms Trade Treaty itself to hand as they utilize this Parliamentary Toolkit on an ongoing basis in their promotion of ratification and effective implementation of the ATT.

In addition, the PGA Parliamentary Handbook on Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the ATT is a useful companion publication to this Parliamentary Tool Kit for Members of Parliament and therefore helpful to also have available.


Additional Details

  • Publication Type: Toolkit
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Author(s): Parliamentarians for Global Action

The PGA Secretariat stands ready to assist you in these or other actions. For technical assistance and more information on the Campaign to Address the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and to Promote the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), please contact:

Mr. Peter Barcroft
Senior Director,
International Peace and Security Program