Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World

Resources for Parliamentarians

Publications, documents, reports and handbooks authored or co-authored by Parliamentarians for Global Action

Campaign to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage

Toolkit on "The Role of Parliamentarians in Ending Child Marriage"

Child marriage is rooted in gender inequality and in the low value accorded to girls, and is exacerbated by poverty, insecurity and conflict.

Campaign for a Human Rights-based Approach to Climate Action

Key Recommendations on the Role of Parliamentarians for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters

Developed during the Parliamentary Caucus that took place within the framework of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean’s (ECLAC) Second Annual Forum on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters in Latin America & the Caribbean

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The Escazú Agreement, an Environmental and Human Rights Treaty

This Factsheet for Parliamentarians introduces the Escazú Agreement, a groundbreaking regional treaty in Latin America and the Caribbean that serves as a key tool to catalyze climate governance and action from a human rights-based approach.

Campaign for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights

Global Parliamentary Code of Democratic Conduct

On 19 March 2021, during its International Council Meeting, Parliamentarians for Global Action launched the Second Pillar of the Democratic Renewal and Human Rights Campaign - the “Global Parliamentary Code of Democratic Conduct”.

The Parliamentary Toolbox for Democracy Defense

Addressing Multidimensional Crises: A Characteristic of Our Time

Campaign for the Protection of the Oceans and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14

Victoria Plan of Action 2023

At the conclusion of the 44th Annual Parliamentary Forum, parliamentarians adopted the Victoria Plan of Action to describe commitments and follow up actions.

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Sustainably Managed Marine Protected Areas and Climate Change

Currently, MPAs account for only 7.92 percent of the ocean, though at least 30 percent is needed to build the resilience of ocean life to sufficiently adapt to climate change and buffer it from other threats.

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Small-Scale Fisheries, Sustainable Development, and Food Security

Small-scale fisheries (SFF) account for more than 90 percent of the world's capture fishers and fish workers and supply approximately 50 percent of all global fish catches.

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Timeline for Protecting the Deep Seabed

The International Seabed Authority (ISA) has initiated negotiations to develop regulations for deep seabed mining (DSM) exploitation and is attempting to adopt them by July 2023.

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Protecting the Deep Seabed

The scientific community, civil society, fishing industry, and politicians have raised concerns that the risks associated with further damaging the deep-sea outweigh any potential net benefits for humankind.

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The High Seas – Unregulated and Under Attack

Urgent action is needed to improve fisheries management in the open ocean, and to strengthen protection of related ecosystems to prevent devastating impacts on marine biodiversity, socio-economic well-being and food security for millions of people.

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Three Treaties to Address Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing

The FAO, ILO, and IMO have collectively recognized the link between safety, labor and IUU issues, and the need to be addressed together in order to be effective.

Law and Governance Toolkit for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries: Best Regulatory Practices

This Toolkit presents a methodology for assessing the reform needs to strengthen SSF governance, along with examples of model regulatory language for the core governance elements.

Parliamentary Toolkit on Ending IUU Fishing

This Parliamentary Toolkit provides insight into IUU fishing, how it relates to human security, and highlights the role parliamentarians can play in protecting the Oceans and supporting the implementation of SDG 14: Life Below Water

Protecting Fishers During a Global Pandemic

During the first quarter of 2021, Board Member and Convenor of PGA’s Oceans Campaign Hon. Petra Bayr, MP (Austria), circulated 1-pagers on how to best protect fishers during the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: United Nations High Seas Treaty: An Historic Agreement to Protect the Ocean

The high seas, also referred to as international waters, begin 200 nautical miles from shorelines and belong to all people as the common heritage of humankind.

Campaign to Address the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)

Assuring our Common Future: Parliamentary Handbook on Disarmament

A guide to parliamentary action in support of disarmament for security and sustainable development.

Parliamentary Handbook Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the ATT

Parliamentarians have a unique and fundamental role to play in promoting signature, ratification and implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

Parliamentary Toolkit on the Arms Trade Treaty

Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the ATT

Campaign against Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)

Handbook: Advancing the Human Rights and Inclusion of LGBTI People

The challenges facing LGBTI people around the world – and their allies working to promote respect for their human rights and inclusion – remain formidable.

LGBTI Inclusion Site

An online resource to better understand the unique role you have as a parliamentarian in ensuring equality and non-discrimination of all individuals regardless of who they are or whom they love.

Booklet: Common Myths about LGBTI people and suggestions on how to respond

Here are some of the most common myths about LGBTI people and some suggestions on how to respond from a human rights standpoint.

LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Messages

LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Messages

Suggested messages to post on Twitter and/or Facebook

LGBTI Inclusion Social Media Graphics

PGA has produced a new package of user-friendly documents to help parliamentarians and other stakeholders understand some of the key issues affecting LGBTI people and to encourage them to spread a message of inclusion on social media.

Advocacy Brief: The role of parliamentarians in guaranteeing the right to gender identity

In addition to advancing gender identity laws that establish procedures for the change of name and sex/gender, parliamentarians can promote the right to gender identity in their legislative function.

Campaign for the Abolition of the Death Penalty

Parliamentary Guidebook on the Abolition of the Death Penalty

This resource is for parliamentarians around the globe, currently working or thinking of working for the abolition of the death penalty.

Parliamentary Factsheet on the Death Penalty and Terrorism-Related Offenses

Why the Death Penalty for Terrorism-related Offences is Ineffective, Counter-productive and Violates Human Rights

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: Death Penalty and Poverty

The disproportionate severity of criminal sanctions towards poverty-stricken individuals is a matter of public debate, which should be tackled by parliamentarians, as elected representatives of the people.

Addressing the gender dimension of the death penalty: Coaction between Parliamentarians and Civil Society

Despite the fact that women only represent about 5% of all death row inmates, it is essential to take measures to guarantee that women do not face gender discrimination in the application of the death penalty.

How to Work with Parliamentarians for the Abolition of the Death Penalty

While they may make up only part of a larger advocacy strategy, parliamentarians and the abolition of the death penalty go hand in hand.


Join Parliamentarians for Global Action

Join Parliamentarians for Global Action

PGA Members are current MPs in government and opposition from countries where the parliament has true legitimacy and authority.

About PGA (Brochure)

You can download our brochure for more information about us and about what we do.

Campaign in Support of the Negotiation of a Treaty Prohibiting Fully Autonomous Weapons (FAWs)

Parliamentary Action to Prevent Violent Extremism and Atrocities

Handbook for Preventing Violent Extremism and Mass Atrocities

At a time when extremism and mass atrocity crimes appear to be on the rise, national governments, international and regional organizations are struggling to protect populations from grave human rights abuses.

PGA Annual Reports

PGA Annual Report 2023

2023 was a difficult year for the causes of democracy, human rights, peace, justice and equality.

PGA Annual Report 2022

In an increasingly authoritarian global context, PGA’s role as a vital convener among parliamentarians, and between parliamentarians and civil society, has become even more relevant.

PGA Annual Report 2021

PGA inspires and helps us aspire to be a beacon of hope, protector and defender of human rights, upholding universal values of democracy, freedom, justice, equality and good governance.

PGA Annual Report 2020

The spirit of collective action that characterizes PGA is more important today than ever.

PGA Annual Report 2019

The year 2019 marked the beginning of PGA’s new Strategic Plan (2019-2021), “Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for Human Rights, Democracy and Peace.”

PGA Annual Report 2018

PGA is excited to begin our 2019-2021 strategic plan which builds on our 40 years of experience and incorporates results, innovations and lessons-learned, and includes the introduction of a new Campaign for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights.

PGA Annual Report 2017

The current decade is being characterized by enormous challenges to human rights in almost all corners of the planet.

PGA Annual Report 2016

We are delighted to share with you our efforts towards a more equitable, just and peaceful world, with growth and progress in each of our three programmes

PGA Annual Report 2015

Throughout 2015, PGA has continued to develop and strengthen its preexisting campaigns, as well as introduce new initiatives that further the vision of PGA.

PGA Annual Report 2005

The year 2005 was strategic for PGA as we embarked on new programme initiatives in addition to continuing progress on our ongoing activities.

PGA Annual Report 2004

This past year marked the 20th Anniversary of the Six Nation Peace Initiative on nuclear disarmament.

PGA Annual Report 2003

Over the past 25 years, PGA established itself as a unique organization driven by individual legislators addressing pressing global issues such as peace, democracy, international law, human rights, nuclear disarmament, sustainable development...

PGA Annual Report 2002

2002 has proven to be a year of great achievements for the global community, one of which was the ratification and entry into force of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court (ICC).

PGA Annual Report 2001

Scarred by the tragedy of September 11th, the year 2001 has become a turning point in the world history.

PGA Annual Report 2000

The year 2000 has been quite an exciting time for PGA, which started the new millennium out on the right foot!

PGA Annual Report 1999

This year PGA held its 21st Annual Forum entitled 'Eradicating Global Poverty' on September 29-30, which struggled with the heartbreaking and unnecessary issue of poverty.

PGA Annual Report 1998

An exciting programme PGA has been involved with throughout its second decade has been the movement to create an International Criminal Court (ICC).

PGA Annual Report 1997

1997 proved to be a monumentally successful year for Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA).

PGA Annual Report 1996

As we near the dawn of the 21st century, political and economic decision-making has become more complex and more sophisticated than ever before in history.

PGA Annual Report 1995

1995 provided a host of round-number anniversaries. Foremost was the 50th anniversary of the United Nations.

PGA Annual Report 1994

1994 was a sobering year - as much for PGA as for the rest of the world. Visions of a new world order had to make way for the stubborn, too often brutal, facts of national politics and individual life.

PGA Annual Report 1993

1993: Global Governance for a Planet Under Stress

PGA Annual Report 1992

1992 proved to be another year of challenge, uncertainty and change in the political evolution of the world community.

Rapport annuel de PGA 1990

As the world entered the 1990's, citizens and leaders everywhere sensed a quickening pace of change, an intuition that events of momentous import were unfolding or about to unfold.


In Defense of Human Dignity: Striking the Balance of Peace and Justice

20th Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)

Bellagio Communiqué on Climate Change (1990)

From 31 May to 2 June 1990, members of Parliamentarians for Global Action met in Bellagio, Italy for a workshop entitled Global Warming: North-South and the Planetary Partnership.

Ten Years of Peacemaking: PGA and its Task Force on Peace and Democracy 1991-2001

From 1991 to 2001, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) sent teams of its members out on peace-making missions to resolve parliament-based conflicts, especially in countries with emerging democracies. This effort met with significant success.