Kuala Lumpur/New York, 11 June 2019
On 11 June, 2019, Malaysian lawmakers, under the leadership of Minister for Human Resources, Kula Segaran, are meeting to discuss the future of the world oceans. This meeting will focus in particular on preventing Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing and its related human rights violations in Malaysia.
World Oceans Day, 8 June 2019, reminds us all of the importance of the oceans in our lives. Every second breath comes from the oceans. The PGA Malaysia National Group is determined to implement the goals of SDG 14 and promote the ratification and implementation of the IMO Cape Town Agreement, the FAO Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA) and ILO Convention on Work in Fisheries.
[As Minister of Human Resources], at this juncture I am of the opinion that it will be wise for Malaysia with the blessing of the Cabinet members to consider Malaysia to be a signatory to ILO for fisheries. Furthermore, Malaysia’s efforts on the fishing IUU cannot be done in silo and domestically we need corporation from the various ministries and agencies and also corporation between countries in the ASEAN region. The avenue to dialog is very much needed and collective political and social will can spur the various governments in this region to work towards a better tomorrow.
Hon. Kula Segaran, MP
Minister of Human Resources, Chair of the National Group and PGA Board Member
The PSMA ensures that all forms of IUU fishing are prevented and prosecuted; the ILO Work in Fishing Convention regulates working conditions on fishing vessels and the IMO Cape Town Agreement provides fundamental safety standards. Those three treaties provide a solid framework to regulate fisheries. In addition, we are consulting on how to implement the FAO Guidelines on sustainable small-scale fisheries in Malaysia.
Hon. Kasthuri Patto, MP
Secretary of PGA Malaysia National Group
What is the Goal of this meeting?
Dialogues among lawmakers in national parliaments leading up to the PGA Annual Forum on the Role of Parliamentarians in the Implementation of SDGs 16 and 14: PROMOTING DEMOCRATIC RENEWAL AND INCLUSION, SAFEGUARDING HUMAN RIGHTS, AND PROTECTING THE OCEANS in Cape Verde Oceans Day on 22 Nov. 2019 - the first international gathering of international lawmakers across political parties on implementation of SDG 14 that will deliver a solid, global action plan.
What is the PGA Oceans Campaign?
A campaign of lawmakers from around the world that aims to end impunity for crimes committed on and against the world’s oceans and their related human rights violations through more transparency in the seafood industry. For more information go to https://www.pgaction.org/ilhr/oceans/