Washington, DC / New York - In an increasingly complex and interconnected global context, PGA launched its Campaign for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights, which aims to promote legislative and public policy initiatives to tackle challenges to democracy and reinforce and protect the civil and political spaces. These goals incorporate the use of digital tools, which are being explored further by public institutions, including parliaments, to carry-out their constitutional mandates, despite temporary restrictions on the freedom of movement of persons and freedom of assembly imposed by the health crisis.
In the framework of a memorandum of understanding between the Organization of American States (OAS) and Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), signed on 24 February, both organizations have organized, on 15 May 2020, a webinar on the “ Political parliamentary action in times of COVID-19” in which Latin American legislators to addressed how the current crisis is impacting political action and what are the tools to prepare for an adequate post-COVID-19 political response.
This webinar is the first one of its kind for both institutions. The next one will engage legislators from different regions of the world to foster sharing of experiences and best practices, in line with the peer-to-peer methodology of PGA.