Caracas/The Hague, 14 September 2020
Venezuela’s authoritarian regime has caused an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and erosion of democracy, according to The Economist Democracy Index report. The tyranny in Venezuela, and the offenses committed against its population, have not only led to a worrying regression in the protection of human rights, but also an attack on democratic values and principles such as social justice, pluralism, political participation, and civil liberties. Amid this decline, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) notes with great concern the attacks on democratic institutions and the campaign of persecution and systematic intimidation perpetrated against democratically-elected legislators.
On 29 August 2020, in an attempt to arrest the brother of Dep. Armando Armas (Chair of PGA Venezuela National Group), several officials from the Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping National Commando (CONAS, in its Spanish acronym), raided the home of Judge Nidia Cuartín (the mother of Dep. Armas), who, as a public official, held the positions of Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice and Judge of the now-defunct Judicial Council. She was later transferred to an unknown place to be allegedly interrogated. The events took place one day after the opposition leader, Dep. Juan Requesens, was released on house arrest after being held in captivity for two years for his alleged links in the attack against Maduro on 4 August 2018.
At a time when the rule of law is under attack and there is an assault to the rules-based international order, Maduro's form of government is consolidating a more hegemonic movement towards political persecution. Unfortunately, these are not isolated cases. The Executive has implemented a repression policy to instill fear, curb protest and deprive legislators and activists of their freedoms and human rights.
Venezuela is currently on the verge of collapse. Nicolás Maduro's government inherited a deep economic, political, and social crisis caused by the authoritarian model imposed by his predecessor, Hugo Chávez. The novel coronavirus pandemic has not only accentuated the already existing problems substantially, but also has been used by Maduro as an excuse to repress human rights defenders, journalists, and dissidents who dare to criticize his government. PGA has warned about the seriousness of Venezuela's decline in its Urgent Action Alert prepared within the framework of the Campaign for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights, and continues to implore the Executive to refrain from using fear and oppression as a tool of government. Venezuela's government must restore democratic institutions and act according to the Constitution, which establishes that the people and authorities in Venezuela "shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that violates democratic values, principles and guarantees, or encroaches upon human rights" (Art. 350 of the Constitution).