The President of PGA's National Group in Chile, Dip. Tucapel Jimenez met with the Under-Secretary of Foreign Relations, Mr. Edgar Riveros to discuss the status of Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). In 2014, members of Congress drafted a bill containing strong measures on biological and chemical weapons, but unfortunately the bill was never introduced for vote. New legislation on the implementation of BWC is currently being developed in Congress.
Among the other topics discussed were the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and cooperation with the ICC. Regarding the Kampala Amendments, the Committee on Constitution, Legislation, Justice and Regulation composed of 5 Senators presented a parliamentary motion to include the crime of aggression in the domestic legal order of Chile by modifying Law No 20.357 that defines crimes against humanity, genocide, crimes of war. Cooperation with the ICC is also a priority as there is currently a draft bill entitled Cooperation Law and Relations with the ICC (Ley de Cooperación y Relación con la Corte Penal Internacional, in Spanish) that is being revised by the Ministry of Justice before it is presented to Congress.
A summary of the meeting is available on the website of the Chamber of Deputies.