May 7, 2008 | United States Capitol
Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) organised a meeting on The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness - The Role of Parliamentarians in Achieving Alignment: Health and Economic Growth in the Americas which took place as the United States Capitol on May 7th, 2008.
There were approximately 50 participants to the meeting which included members of the US Congress, parliamentarians from the Americas, Africa, Asia-Pacific and Europe, representatives from European Parliamentarians for Africa (AWEPA), the donor community, academia and other international institutions. Parliamentarians agreed on Final Recommendations for Parliamentary input into The Accra High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness to take place in September 2008.
On May 8th, PGA held a Working Group Meeting on Development, Employment, and Migration as well as a Briefing to the Staff of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the International Criminal Court and the Arms Trade Treaty. PGA hosted a reception at the Washington Home of Stewart Mott where Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) made the welcoming remarks.