New York/The Hague:
As we approach the end of 2022, the world continues to witness with great concern the attacks, harassment, sexism, sexual and other forms of violence against women parliamentarians. This trend creates dangerous precedents that are not only psychological but can become lethal obstacles to the participation of women in politics.
According to the Kenya Women's Parliamentary Association, on August 9, dozens of female candidates campaigning for presidential, legislative, and local elections in Kenya were verbally and physically assaulted. A few weeks ago, on December 7, we watched the shocking video of two Members of Parliament in Senegal as one of them slapped Hon. Amy Ndiaye Gniby in the face while the other kicked her in her stomach. Following the disturbing events, Hon. Ndiaye fainted and was taken to the hospital. Her lawyer informed the public, Hon. Ndiaye was pregnant. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament condemned this assault as “barbaric and despicable.”
On December 12, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a public statement imposing economic and travel-ban sanctions on several European Union institutions and their members. Among the individuals sanctioned is Dr. Hannah Neumann, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and founding Member of PGA’s Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT). According to the press release, Dr. Neumann and other individuals have participated in “deliberate actions in support of terrorism and terrorist groups; promotion and incitement of terrorism, violence; and spreading hatred, which has caused riots, violence, and terrorist operations as well as violation of human rights against the Iranian nation.”
These incidents of violence occurred during the commemoration of the United Nations' 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which follows the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and seeks to raise awareness about the multiple forms of violence against girls and women and rally the international community to prevent, punish and end such violence.
Given the vital importance of women participating in political processes and the threats they may face, on behalf of PARRT, the group's Chair and Convenor of the Democratic Renewal and Human Rights Campaign, Hon. Rozaina Adam, MP (Maldives), stressed:
These are unacceptable acts of cowardice toward female parliamentarians. Women still face many obstacles to being treated as equals in Parliament. While we now speak more openly about this scourge, we also face more criticism, attacks, and other heinous acts of violence in person or through online platforms. These acts not only undermine our capabilities and capacities as leaders but weaken, destabilize, and challenge the foundations of our democracies. Today, on behalf of PARRT, we unite to denounce every act of violence against women in politics and stand in full solidarity with all our female colleagues worldwide and our dear friend Hannah Neumann who has been a staunch and forceful human rights defender. Hon. Rozaina Adam, MP (Maldives)Hon. Rozaina Adam, MP
Violence against women is a deterrent to their involvement in politics, pushing many of them out of political activities and muting their voices. Notwithstanding the urgent need to address the root causes of this issue, PGA praises those renewed signs of commitment and measures to tackle any form of gender-based violence inside and outside politics.
Healthy democracies hinge on all individuals’ ability to participate in social strives without fear of reprisals or threats. In this regard, it is of the utmost necessity that the participation of women in decision-making bodies be ensured and that their security is preserved.
On 12 September, the Forum of Women Parliamentarians in the Central African Republic, of which Hon. Béatrice Epaye is a leading member, collectively and publicly denounced (available only in French) the insults and other degrading treatment made towards Central African women – discrimination deemed to be systematic in society, and for which impunity unfortunately prevails. In particular, they stood against the abusive comments and death threats members and the President of the Constitutional Court received a few days before: these violent acts not only jeopardize the security of these individuals, but they also undermine the independence of democratic institutions. Hon. Epaye, prominent PGA member, insists that more should be done to strengthen democratic institutions and the independence of the Judiciary. On a similar note, on 29 November, the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus of the Republic of Indonesia signed a joint official declaration explicitly addressing violence against women parliamentarians.
Yesterday, PGA Board Member-elect, Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina) held an in-person discussion at the Argentinean Parliament on violence against women through the exchange of information on women and diversity, violence in its various forms, arms control, gender abuses by security forces, and the presentation of projects and proposals against gender violence. Furthermore, last year, PGA launched a campaign to “S.T.O.P Violence against Women Parliamentarians,” which has been fully endorsed by the Senate of Argentina (available only in Spanish) and is currently being considered by the Chamber of Deputies. Taking note of the critical role parliamentarians play in driving their countries and regions towards more democratic and inclusive societies, PGA has worked closely withtheEuropean Parliament Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group (DEG) initiative on “Solidarity with Parliamentarians,” a project which aims to promote twinning partnerships between MEPs and those parliamentarians who are at risk.
The rapid deterioration of democracy, and the rise of hate speech and authoritarian discourses, are changing the nature of politics and exacerbating the threat of violence against women parliamentarians and women in other positions. PGA will continue devoting efforts to support and S.T.O.P Violence against Women Parliamentarians and urges its global membership to:
Implement provisions of international legal instruments that aim to stop violence against women and girls in the domestic legal order.
- Establish national policies to encourage the participation of women in politics and policy-making processes.
- Achieve gender parity in politics.
- Increase public awareness by launching or supporting national, regional, and international campaigns.
- Organize workshops and/or training to help equip male leaders with the necessary knowledge to promote women’s participation in politics, especially those from marginalized groups.
- Protect women legislators from any form of violence.
- Create accountability mechanisms in Parliament where women and parliamentarians at large can denounce all forms of violence.
- Hold perpetrators accountable, applying penal legislation as necessary.
- Sign our Global Parliamentary Code of Democratic Conduct as a tool to combat hate speech, incitement, and other acts of violence in parliament and against legislators.
- Understand, identify, and tackle different risks that women face to develop new strategies to protect them from any threat that may affect their physical and psychological well-being.
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