
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

PGA Statement on Diputada Sandra Morán from Guatemala

PGA Member Diputada Sandra Morán (Guatemala).
PGA Member Diputada Sandra Morán (Guatemala).

New York, NY June 10, 2019. - Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), the largest non-governmental, multi-party international network of individual legislators with approximately 1,300 members in over 130 parliaments around the world working on human rights and the Rule of Law, democracy, human security, inclusion and gender equality, expresses its support and gratitude to Guatemalan legislator and PGA member Sandra Morán for her significant legislative initiatives to advance the human rights of girls and women as well as of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) persons in her country.

Diputada Morán’s efforts to discuss and pass laws to protect girls from violence, ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights for women, in recognition of the right to a gender identity, and to enact crimes based on prejudice, have faced strong opposition and rejection in the Congress of Guatemala. In addition to this rights-based legislative agenda that she has stood for, her fight for transparency and against corruption made her a target of harassment and numerous attacks, including via social media, most recently suffering the breaking and trespassing into her office and archive, where official and personal documents and materials were stolen.

PGA calls on the relevant National authorities in Guatemala to investigate these offences and prevent an increase of political violence against the physical and moral integrity of Hon. Sandra Moran amidst the elections scheduled on June 16.

While Diputada Morán has decided not to run for reelection, she is committed to working with her current colleagues and new Congressional members after the elections to pass on the torch of these important bills before leaving her seat in early 2020.

Within the framework of our Campaigns to End Child Marriage, Against Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, and for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights, PGA will continue monitoring the situation in the country and offering assistance to Diputada Morán on her defense and promotion of full equality, non-discrimination and inclusion of girls, women and LGBTI people in Guatemala.


The 3rd Pacific Human Rights Conference on Pacific Islanders of Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics: Working for Global Justice and Local Human Rights.

PGA organized meetings for legislators to engage in dialogue on the situation of LGBTQI+ persons in Pacific Island States to effectively address pressing issues such as climate resilience, health, education and economic sustainability.

Photo by Marta Branco: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-multicolored-heart-decor-1173576/

In the last two years, there has been a surge in hostility and discriminatory legislation targeting LGBTQI+ persons fueled by foreign-funded, anti-rights movements and scapegoating of vulnerable populations for political gain

Photo by chris robert on Unsplash

To avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, I invite my African sisters and brothers to know how to relativize our certainties, whenever human rights and human dignity are at stake, as in the treatment of the LGBTQ+ issue.