In cooperation with the National Assembly of The Seychelles, and kindly supported by Global Affairs Canada, PGA’s International Peace and Security Program organized a National Parliamentary Session in Seychelles on engaging female and male parliamentarians in promoting nuclear and radiological security on July 20th, 2023.
A central focus of the Workshop was to raise awareness surrounding the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT). Although Seychelles signed ICSANT in 2005, it has not yet ratified it. Approximately 22 Members of the National Assembly participated in the Workshop, including the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Leader of Government Business and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly. Also in attendance was the Minister for Internal Affairs of Seychelles as well as Representatives and staff from the National Police and Coast Guard of Seychelles.
Participants benefited greatly from two, highly informative presentations delivered by experts from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the African Center for Science and International Security (AFRICSIS) setting out the main provisions of ICSANT as well as the many benefits of adherence to this crucial international treaty. A lively question and answer session followed the delivery of both presentations in which many of the MPs in attendance posed questions and sought clarifications and reassurances in connection with ICSANT.
The disproportionately adverse impact of non-fatal nuclear and radiological attacks and release of nuclear and radiological material on women was also addressed during the course of this Workshop, highlighting the unique physical, mental and psychological vulnerabilities of women in the context of such situations. In addition to encouraging ratification of ICSANT by Seychelles, it is also sincerely hoped that this activity will encourage more female legislators to become involved in promoting international peace and security in this arena.
At the conclusion of the Workshop, a number of possible Points of Action were identified to facilitate potential further step taking by the participants with a view to encouraging definitive action on ICSANT in the near future.
PGA is very grateful to the National Assembly of The Seychelles as well as to the Government of Canada for their support in holding this successful Workshop.