This article was originally published on channel5belize.com
Opposition Senator Valerie Woods recognized the ruling on the constitutionality – or rather unconstitutionality – of Section Fifty-Three of the Criminal Code that criminalized same sex intercourse. Woods says the judgment is a significant victory for the region.
Valerie Woods, P.U.P. Senator
While it is of national importance to Belize, it is a significant victory for human rights... yes in Belize, in the region and indeed for human rights worldwide. Specifically because of this ruling made by Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin, it states specifically the right not to be discriminated against, the right to privacy, the right to be treated with dignity no matter the race, religion or sexual orientation or identity. So indeed it is a good day for Belize and it is a good day for human rights.
And while I recognize that there are so many in our society who do not support the ruling, who do not agree with the ruling for various reasons, I am certain that the honorable members of this chamber will join me in stating that notwithstanding those disagreements, at no time should we agree that there should be violence discrimination or hatred because you disagree with the ruling.