In cooperation with the National Assembly of The Gambia, and with the kind, financial support of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, PGA organized a Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Women Parliamentarians in Africa in Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the National Assembly of The Gambia in Banjul - 16-17 May, 2019.
This Workshop convened predominantly Women Parliamentarians from 12 countries across Africa, particularly impacted in recent months and years by terrorist attacks and threats of terrorist attacks and other threats to peace and security. In addition, an Expert from the Group of Experts of the UNSCR 1540 Committee delivered an excellent presentation. The Opening Session of the Workshop was moderated by PGA Member Hon. Dawda Jawara MP at which also spoke the UK High Commissioner to The Gambia, the UN Resident Coordinator in The Gambia before the Workshop was officially opened by the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of The Gambia. The Chair of the BWC Meeting of States Parties 2019 also presented to the Workshop by way of a video-recording, a full transcript of which was also circulated to all Participants in French and English. PGA Executive Committee Member Hon. Beatrice Epaye also prepared a video recording for the occasion which is similarly included in this webpage.
During the course of the two day Workshop, the Parliamentary Participants shared their own insights and experiences in the context of enhancing the role of Women Parliamentarians in promoting peace and security within their respective Parliaments. Particular attention was devoted to UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) and the UN Secretary General's recent Reports on Gender, Disarmament and Arms Control.
Specific international frameworks analysed in some depth included the Biological Weapons Convention and UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004).
A particular point of importance was highlighting the extensive existing mandates and practice already in place in UN Security Council Resolutions, in particular UNSCR 2325 (2016), the Comprehensive Review Document of the UNSCR 1540 (2016) and more recent Statements, Reports and annual Programs of Work of the UNSCR 1540 Committee. PGA Member Parliamentarians have, in parallel, been extensively involved, with some measure of success, in promoting universality and implementation of the BWC in the past 3.5 years.
At the conclusion of the Workshop, the Banjul Plan of Action was adopted, including a number of specific measures/steps for participant Parliamentarians to consider taking within their respective Parliaments to promote greater engagement by Women Parliamentarians in peace and security matters, as well as universality and Implementation of the BWC, as appropriate, and Implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004).
Additional information on PGA's Global Parliamentary Campaign to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) may be viewed here.