This PGA Workshop was held in the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations in New York and brought together PGA Member Legislators from Kenya, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, Afghanistan and Argentina. The Workshop was opened by the Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations, H.E. Claude Heller who recalled the close historic and contemporary links between his country and PGA.
The Workshop Participants received an extensive Briefing from H.E. Sergio de Queiroz Duarte, United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs who highlighted the uniquely important role that Legislators play in the drafting legislation to regulate the trade in small arms and light weapons. The Participants in the Workshop also received informative briefings from Ambassador Peter Maurer of the Permament Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations on the Geneva Declaration and also from Ms. Rachel Stohl, Senior Fellow of Chatham House and SALW expert on the different ways legislators can contribute in this area, the challenges they confront as well as some practical suggestions for confronting these challenges.
Each of the Legislators participating in the Workshop subsequently made individual presentations on the status quo on small arms and light weapons regulation in their respective countries with particular reference to what they themselves are undertaking in this area to ensure higher visibility and greater action on the SALW dossier, including marshalling greater support for the initiative towards an Arms Trade Treaty. In an extensive questionnaire completed at the Workshop, each PGA Member MP participating therein has undertaken to follow-up on two specific initiatives in the SALW area, upon return to their respective countries.
For further information on PGA's long-standing and effective advocacy and legislative work in the Small Arms and Light Weapons area, contact Peter Barcroft, Senior Program Officer at peter.barcroft@pgaction.org