PGA welcomes the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty earlier today by Argentina, The Bahamas, Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Czech Republic, Portugal, Senegal, St. Lucia and Uruguay, bringing to 53 the total number of ratifications and thereby activating the entry-into-force provisions of the Treaty. PGA also welcomes the signing of the ATT on 23 September, 2014 by Ukraine and today by Georgia and Namibia bringing to 121 the total number of countries that have signed the Treaty.
Today the entry-into-force mechanisms for the ATT have been triggered - with over 50 countries having now ratified the ATT. On behalf of PGA, I congratulate all those that have become a State Party to the ATT on this historic day. As per the provisions of the ATT itself, this Treaty will now enter into force in December 2014. The fact that this has been achieved, only 17 months after the adoption of the treaty itself, and a mere 15 months after it was opened for signature and ratification, highlights the very real importance and priority attached to this Treaty by the international community. Today PGA and its members reaffirm their commitment to the ATT, in particular to securing many more ratifications of it to ensure its true universality of reach as well as - in parallel - promoting implementation efforts at the national level in all countries in which we are active. Dip. Minou Tavarez Mirabal, Acting President, PGA (Dominican Republic)
I am very pleased to hear that Senegal has today ratified the ATT and joined this historic group of UN Member States which, in so doing, have triggered the entry into force mechanisms of the ATT. As far back as 2006, I began actively advocating for the Arms Trade Treaty in my country and in my region. Together with PGA and many other regional and international partners, we organized in Dakar that same year a Regional Workshop which served to acquaint many legislators for the first time with the concept of this Treaty. Many of those same legislators went on to actively and successfully advocate for the adoption - and now signature and ratification - by their country of the ATT. As Convenor of PGA's Peace & Democracy Program from 2012-2013 I persuaded many of my fellow Legislators in Senegal to sign the Global Parliamentary Declaration in support of the ATT which PGA organized worldwide. My congratulations go out to all countries that have ratified today and my heartfelt request to all that have not done so yet to sign and ratify the ATT without delay. Dep. Lamine Thiam (Senegal), PGA Member and Former PGA Executive Committee Member and Convenor of PGA Peace & Democracy Program
The ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty earlier today by the Government of Argentina at the United Nations in New York represents a vital display of commitment by my country to putting an end to the needless suffering and massive loss of human life that takes place every year around the world, on account of the inadequate regulation of the international arms trade. This has indeed been a collective effort, including by many PGA Members of Parliament in Argentina and myself over the past few years - organizing and participating in Workshops both at home and around the world. We have continuously mobilized support, first for the adoption of the ATT and, subsequently, for signature and now ratification of it by Argentina. While I am very proud that Argentina is among those UN Member States whose ratification today has triggered the entry into force mechanisms of the ATT, there is still work to be done to ensure that the ATT realizes its full potential. I encourage all countries that have yet to sign and ratify to do so without delay - and for those countries - such as Argentina - that have ratified - we must now swiftly turn our attention to prompt implementation of the ATT into our domestic legal orders. I recently authored a Bill in the Argentine Parliament regulating exports of sensitive defense equipment and remain committed to ensuring the ATT is fully implemented in Argentina as soon as possible. Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina), PGA Executive Committee Member and Co-Convenor of the PGA Peace & Democracy Program
As a committed Member of Parliament for Human Rights causes, I am very pleased that Uruguay has ratified the ATT and, thereby, is one of the group of UN Member States whose ratification has enabled the triggering of the entry into force provisions contained in the ATT. I am also pleased that we share the platform on this historic day with, among others, our close neighbor and friend - Argentina. I have been engaged personally in support of the ATT for over 5 years - representing PGA and civil society in one of the ATT PrepComs, mobilizing the participation of many other MPs in Uruguay in support of the ATT and participating in numerous different Workshops in my region and elsewhere to identify means to promote adoption of the ATT. I believe the ratification of the ATT by my country today also has a particular added, individual significance. The Global Peace Index, including this year, has repeatedly found Uruguay to be the most peaceful country in all of Latin America. By ratifying the ATT today, therefore, Uruguay sends a powerful signal that securing of the goals and objectives of the ATT is a task for all, peaceful and war-torn/conflict-affected countries alike. In Spanish we say " Cada uno pone su grano de arena" - Everyone must do their part. Dip. Felipe Michelini (Uruguay), PGA Executive Committee Member and Convenor of PGA International Law & Human Rights Program
In a world where - sadly - there is more, not less, to be worried about with every passing day, the triggering of the entry into force provisions of the ATT earlier today upon deposit of the 50th Instrument of Ratification is a bit of historic good news around which all right-minded people must rally. Ample evidence from every region of the world demonstrates - time and time again - that supplying of weapons to conflict zones or trouble spots, whatever the intention may be, almost invariably exacerbates, not improves the dire situation on the ground and delays rather than hastening a return to normal, peaceful rule, perpetuating, not eliminating untold misery for so many. As Minister for Defence of Pakistan I was pleased to sign the Global Parliamentary Declaration on the ATT in 2012 and I was also pleased when Pakistan voted in favour of adoption of the ATT in April 2013. I will continue in my efforts to persuade the Government and People of my country to understand why this treaty is one we must sign and ratify sooner, rather than later. Mr. Naveed Qamar MP (Pakistan), PGA Executive Committee Member and Convenor, Peace & Democracy Program, PGA
For further information on PGA’s Campaign for Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the ATT, contact Peter Barcroft, Director of Peace & Democracy Program, PGA at peter.barcroft@pgaction.org
The PGA Campaign for Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty has been supported by the United Nations Trust Facility Supporting Cooperation on Arms Regulation (UNSCAR), the Foreign Ministries of the Governments of Finland and Germany and also receives core support from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) and the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)