The ICC’s Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) has shared its draft Strategic Plan for the period 2016 - 2018 and is inviting comments from interested external actors. Your comments and questions can be sent to Marieke.vandoorn@pgaction.org by 27 August 2015. The PGA Secretariat will forward the collected comments of our membership to the OTP before the deadline set by the ICC of 28 August 2015. Following this consultation period, the draft Strategic Plan will be revised and finalised during the first half of September 2015.
The draft plan builds on the current OTP Strategic Plan 2012-2015 and touches upon the functioning of the OTP as a whole: quality of Preliminary Examinations, investigations, and prosecutions; the OTP’s budget, the integration of a gender perspective in all activities; performance indicators; cooperation, etc…..
Don’t hesitate to share the draft Strategic Plan and the invitation to submit comments widely. A French Summary of the draft plan is available here; no Spanish version is available unfortunately.