A PGA Delegation, comprising of PGA MPs from Cabo Verde and Guinea Bissau, accompanied by 2 PGA Staff Members, met with the Prime Minister of Timor Leste, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Interior, and - in the absence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation - the Head of Asia Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, as well as the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security Committee of the Parliament of Timor Leste, in a series of several, positive Round Table meetings to promote ratification and implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), from November 9 -11, 2016, in Dili.
H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, Prime Minister of Timor Leste, expressed no objections to accession to the ATT by Timor Leste. His Excellency, the Prime Minister was very appreciative of the visit and agreed to follow up closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
H.E. Mr. Cirilo Cristovão, Minister of Defence, stated that he would make a great effort to move forward the ATT accession process of Timor Leste and was pleased to have been made aware of the recent ratification of the Treaty by Cabo Verde. He agreed to liaise with the Minister of Interior in support of the Accession by Timor Leste to the ATT.
H.E. Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro, Minister of Interior, met the delegation, accompanied by his entire cabinet of Officials, drawn from the National Police, Immigration, Customs and Human Rights Division. Given his role as Central focal point of the Government, and his responsibilities for boarder control, internal security, civilian protection and military cooperation, the Minister took particular interest in the ATT and some of its implementation aspects. Along with the Minister of Defense, the Minister undertook to ensure that the ATT is presented and approved by the Council of Ministers in the near future, and subsequently ratified by the Parliament.
Mr. Lisualdo Gaspar, Head of Asia Division of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, informed the PGA Delegation of all the necessary steps to be taken for successful accession to the Treaty and that it was in the best interests of Timor Leste to comply with international treaties that benefit the country.
The PGA Delegation also had the good fortune to meet with Honorable Dep. David Ximenes, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security Committee of the Parliament of Timor Leste. Dep. David Ximenes, played an instrumental role during the period of Resistance in Timor Leste, and witnessed directly the negative impact that the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons can have over the population. Dep.Ximenes pointed out that today, there is a law that forbids any and all civilians to possess or acquire weapons. Dep. Ximenes agreed that, once the ATT Bill reaches the parliament, he will liaise with his fellow colleagues to ensure the approval of the accesion of Timor Leste to the Treaty.
PGA wishes to acknowledge and express sincere appreciation for the considerable assistance provided by Ms. Ligia Pinto, Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, who accompanied the Delegation at all times during its visit to Timor Leste.