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Angola - PGA congratulates PGA Member Dip. Palmira Bernardo for her actions contributing to parliamentary ratification of BTWC and CWC

Dip. Palmira Bernardo (Angola) participates in PGA’s 33rd Annual Forum, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dip. Palmira Bernardo (Angola) participates in PGA’s 33rd Annual Forum, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Luanda | New York, 29 April 2015

PGA congratulates its Members in the National Assembly of Angola, in particular Dip. Palmira P. Bernardo,  for their continuous efforts leading to parliamentary approval on April 21, 2015 for accession to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, as well as the Chemical Weapons Convention, by the Government of Angola

As a longstanding PGA Member, I was very pleased to push for support for - over the past few years - and to vote in favour of ratification of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, as well as the Chemical Weapons Convention, in our National Assembly here in Luanda on April 21, 2015. The National Assembly has now approved ratification of these two vital international treaties. That it did so on Earth Day is also very appropriate, as we sadly still live on an Earth where Weapons of Mass Destruction continue to cast a long shadow of threat over the very existence of our planet and its people. I now urge the Government of Angola to promptly deposit its Instruments of Accession PGA Member, Dip. Palmira P. Bernardo, Angola commented from Luanda

Portuguese version:

Como membra de longa data da PGA, fiquei muito satisfeita em participar no apoio ao longo dos últimos anos – para votar a favor da ratificação da Convenção sobre Armas Biológicas e Tóxicas, assim como da Convenção sobre Armas Quimicas em nossa Assembléia Nacional aqui em Luanda em 21 de Abril de 2015. A Assembleia Nacional aprovou a ratificação destes dois vitais tratados internacionais. Feitos estes, realizados no Dia da Terra, é também muito apropriado - tendo em vista que infelizmente ainda vivemos em uma terra onde as armas de destruição em massa continuam a lançar uma longa sombra de ameaça sobre a própria existência do nosso planeta e seu povo. Exorto, portanto, o Governo de Angola para depositar prontamente os instrumentos de adesão destes dois tratados PGA Member, Dip. Palmira P. Bernardo, Angola commented from Luanda