In a follow-up to the San Salvador Plan of Action to Promote Universality And National Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Biological and Toxin Weapons and their Destruction adopted by more than 100 parliamentarians from 41 countries during PGA’s 37th Annual Forum in El Salvador and in the framework of the Campaign for the Universality and National Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), PGA reached out to its members in Latin America, including Colombia, to ensure the necessary steps were being taken towards the implementation of the BWC.
On 25 April, 2016, PGA Member Dip. Yohny Lescano Ancieta addressed a letter to Dra. Ana Maria Liliana Sanches Vargas de Rios, Minister of Foreign Affairs, inquiring on the status of implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). The letter mentioned different aspects of national implementation such as questions about which measures have been adopted, including any reports on changes in legislation.
As a result, Minister Vargas de Rios submitted a full report (SPA) on the current status of pending legislation and measures related to the implementation of the BWC in Peru.