New York/The Hague/Bangui
On December 20, 2013, Ambassador Valdimir Drobnjak, Permanent Representative of Croatia to the United Nations deposited at the United Nations the Croatia’s Instrument of Ratification of the Amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, adopted in Kampala in 2010, thereby accepting to bind its nationals and territory to the prohibition of the use of certain weapons in armed conflicts not of an international character, as well as to the criminalization of acts of aggression arising from the illegal use of force in international relations.
The Ratification of the Kampala Amendments is an important step taken by Croatia which is consistent with Croatia´s statements in the 67th session of the UN General Assembly Thematic Debate on International Criminal Justice and the Role of International Criminal Justice in Reconciliation, held in April, 2013. In that session, Croatia presented the ICC as one of the most important achievements of the last century and recognized that it has being a victim of aggression. In such meeting Croatia´s representative stated "neither justice without peace, nor peace without justice is sustainable" supporting in this way the ICC work to fight against impunity.
The deposit of instruments of ratification by Croatia brings the number of ratifications of the crime of aggression to thirteen. This deposit is of further significance as it also serves to consolidate ongoing global efforts to achieve universal ratification of the Kampala Amendments related to the Crime of Aggression. Twelve other nations from all regions of the world have ratified both Amendments to date. Through this ratification, Croatia has made an important contribution towards the goal of achieving 30 ratifications before 2017 and the respect of the human right to peace.
Croatia has not only ratified the Kampala Amendments but also has completed the process of domestic implementation of the Rome Statute through the incorporation of the crimes and general principles contained in the Rome Statute, including the definition of the crime of aggression, and of the necessary provisions to ensure effective cooperation with the International Criminal Court.
Members of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) continue to spearhead global support for the criminalization of Aggression. Thank you to the work of PGA members such as Helmut Scholz, on November 29, 2013 a meeting titled ¨The Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression: A promise for the end of illegal use of force in international relations” was held in the European Parliament with the presence of different parties MEPs and experts in the subject such as Judge Dr. Jur. h. c. Hans-Peter Kaul of the Pre-Trial Division of the ICC.
In this important meeting, where Nikola Vuljanic, MEP form Croatia participated, Judge Kaul stressed the necessity that as many EU States as possible ratify soon the crime of aggression amendments to the Rome Statute and enlightened the participants with the considerations and preparations of the International Criminal Court with regard to its future jurisdiction on the crime of aggression mentioning different actions that are being taken within the ICC. (for the full presentation please click here).
PGA members have made the following statements:
I deeply welcome the ratification of the Kampala Amendments by Croatia. As a Parliamentarian from a country that promotes peace and security in the world I congratulate Croatia to become an important part of the campaign to prevent the Crime of Aggression. I believe that by the criminalization of aggression, Croatia, together with the other states that have ratified the Kampala Amendments, clearly respect the human right to peace and encourage other States to follow their steps. I truly hope that my country, Argentina, will ratify both Kampala Amendments in 2014 becoming also an important actor in this Campaign against impunity. Margarita Stolbizer, MP (Argentina), Councilor of the International Council of PGA
It was a great pleasure to hear that Croatia ratified the Kampala amendments this week. The message sent to the international community is becoming stronger, as Croatia is already the 13th country to ratify the amendments. Our parliament itself has being working towards a full accession and implementation of the Kampala Amendments, this step taken by Croatia can only encourage us and all the State Parties that still need to ratify the Kampala amendments to do the same. I sincerely hope that this recent ratification will become an example for the rest of the States Parties, so that we can soon reach the universality of the Kampala Amendments building a fully efficient ICC system able to protect all the victims of the most serious international crimes. Dep. Mariam Traoré (Côte de Ivoire)
I truly congratulate Croatia for its ratification of both Kampala Amendments the last 20th December, 2013. I believe that by ratifying the Amendments the countries send a strong signal to the entire international community that they are truly committed with the prohibition of the illegal use of force and that they follow the commitment after the Second World War that no illegal use of force will be allowed. The PGA Group in the European Parliament remains engaged against impunity for international crimes including the crime of aggression. I would like to take this opportunity to call on States to continue ratifying the Kampala Amendments as a commitment to strengthen the framework of the prohibition of the illegal use of force under the UN Charter and to ensure that all war crimes are not left unpunished, whether they would be committed in an international or non-international armed conflict. Helmut Scholz, MEP (Germany)
By its ratification of the Kampala Amendments, Croatia offers to the world an example of strong commitment to the rule of law, peace and justice. The ratification of the Amendments to the Rome Statute is indicative of Croatia’s commitment not to allow perpetrators of atrocities to go unpunished and to ensure a safer and more peaceful world to present and future generations. I am actively working to promote the ratification of the Kampala Amendments in my country, the Netherlands, a country that has always been committed to the Rule of Law and that is the Host of many international Tribunals such as the International Criminal Court. I believe that the Parliament should adopt, as soon as possible, the Draft Law on the ratification of the Kampala Amendments as they are an essential tool to avoid the perpetration of one of the most heinous crimes, the crime of aggression.Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Harry Van Bommel, MP (The Netherlands)