Asunción/The Hague/New York
On 13 October 2016, Dip. Clemente Barrios and Dip. Juan Félix Bogado, PGA Members, met with Abg. Ever Martínez, Minister of Justice of Paraguay, to discuss Voluntary Cooperation Agreements with the International Criminal Court (ICC).
As a direct result of PGA’s Consultations on the Implementation of the Rome Statute and Support for the International Criminal Court in Paraguay, Dip. Barrios informed the Justice Minister not only of the interest of the Chamber of Deputies in the Rome Statute system but also the commitments taken by PGA members in Paraguay on Cooperation with the Court.
After vibrant exchanges, Minister Martínez informed the legislators that a Working Group composed of representatives of both the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be formed shortly, so as to discuss the framework for such cooperation agreements with the ICC.
The Minister of Justice furthermore expressed his interest to personally attend the 15th Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the Rome Statute. Should his schedule conflict with the dates of the ASP, he will designate a representative, potentially the Vice Minister of Criminal Policy.