Caracas, 22 June 2018
The report on the systematic violations of human rights in Venezuela: "A downward spiral that does not seem to end", presented this Friday 22 June 2018 by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein, confirms the veracity of our complaints and serves as support for the petition for investigation before the International Criminal Court (ICC) against those responsible for crimes against humanity.
As a Member of the National Assembly and Chair of the National Group of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) in Venezuela, we request all the support for this investigation that we consider fundamental for the taking of actions by international organizations, in the face of the Venezuelan State inaction.
There are many steps taken by the national parliament to end impunity. On 27 April 27 2017, as the Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law of the National Assembly, we requested that the Prosecutor's Office of the Public Ministry to open an investigation against Nicolás Maduro, the Minister of Interior and Justice, Néstor Reverol, and the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, about the murders that took place during the peaceful demonstrations in 2017. During these demonstrations, unarmed people were brutally attacked by police officers and the National Guard with bullets and tear gas bombs, many of them expired since 2015, which are not even used in war situations.
Today, the document issued by the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner highlights the existence of sufficient evidence to initiate a process at the ICC, and Ra'ad al Hussein also expressed his interest in collaborating so that all the mechanisms are activated.
There have been more than 12 000 arbitrary detentions committed by the regime against political opponents, between 2014 and 2018; currently more than 300 remain unjustly behind bars. There is also evidence of hundreds of prisoners victims of mistreatment and torture.
In light of the findings of the investigation, the UN High Commissioner made several recommendations to the member states and the government of Venezuela, among which include allowing the investigating committee direct access without restrictions to the country to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the situation. He also requested the security forces to stop the excessive use of force, arbitrary arrests and torture; while he asked the authorities to refrain from attacking and restricting the democratic space; address the health and food crisis; and conduct institutional and policy reforms related to the justice system and the Rule of Law.
The report accurately portrays the dramatic food and health situation that amounts to a massive level of malnutrition, given that 87% of Venezuelans only receive 30% of what is required to feed themselves. This situation has led to a silent genocide, regarding which the authorities remain willingly indifferent.
PGA’s National Group in Venezuela reiterates its support to international organizations’ efforts such as the UN, on promoting human rights. We ask all States parties to the Rome Statute, human rights organizations, parliaments and especially the parliamentary groups belonging to PGA, to address the Venezuelan situation and thus fight the scourge of impunity.
Never before has it been more pertinent to remember Dr. Martin Luther King’s words: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Dip. Armando Armas
Chair of PGA’s National Group in Venezuela