
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World

Members of PGA Commend Ad Hoc Acceptance of ICC Jurisdiction pertaining to recent events in Ukraine

Following the important decision by Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine’s Parliament) on Friday, 21 February, 2014 to reinstate the 2004 Constitution, the parliament has yesterday taken another vital step towards strengthening democracy and the rule of law voting to accept the ad hoc jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) under Article 12.3 of the Rome Statute. Members of PGA commend the Verkhovna Rada for having taken this step and further encourage ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC by Ukraine at the earliest opportunity and for Ukraine to join the other 122 countries around the world who have already become State Parties thereto.

Selected Statements from PGA members:


On behalf of 1,100 individual legislators, members of PGA, I express my heartfelt sympathy for, and my solidarity with the Ukrainian people for the loss of lives of dozens of protesters. Similar experiences in my own country’s history help me only too well to empathize with you at this time of tragedy and transition.  In accordance with your national priorities, I am pleased to learn of the prompt initiative taken concerning the Rome Statute of the ICC and urge all concerned parties to move forward also with full formal ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC, including the Kampala Amendments, sending a clear signal of intolerance for impunity, now and for all time. Dip. Felipe Michelini, Convenor of PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program


I congratulate my colleagues in the Verkhovna Rada on the decision by the Ukrainian parliament to lodge a 12.3 declaration to accept the exercise of jurisdiction by the ICC with respect to crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Ukraine. I however, not only applaud this important acceptance of jurisdiction of the ICC for this particular situation but also urge Ukraine, having signed the Rome Statute of the ICC on 20 January 2000, to now join the other 41 Council of Europe Member States and ratify the Rome Statute at the earliest opportunity. Mr. Mark Pritchard, MP, Deputy Convenor of PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program, Vice Chairman of the Ukraine Parliamentary Group in the UK Parliament


The decision to restore the 2004 constitution is an important step towards strengthening parliament and democracy. In the framework of the ongoing constitutional amendment process and current developments, it is now the right moment for Ukraine to join the global community of law-abiding nations under the international rule of law. By ratifying the Rome Statute of the ICC, Ukraine can demonstrate that it will not tolerate the commission of international crimes. For Ukraine and any other state seeking to protect universal human rights, ratification today signals that no atrocities will be excused in the future. Senator Raynell Andreychuck, former Convenor of PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program