May 10, 2011 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
On 10 May 2011, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) in cooperation with the Chambers of Deputies of Argentina, took the opportunity to present the Report on ''Empowerment of women: Constructing Human Security'', adopted by PGA at the 32nd Annual Forum held in Istanbul, Turkey in October 2010. The report was presented by Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (GEN) and Dip. Marcelo Lopez Arias (PJ) during the meeting.
The meeting, which was held in the Anexo Building of the Chamber of Deputies in Buenos Aires, included presentations from Ms. Jacqueline Echegaray Nolley of Catholics for Choice (CFC), as well as Dip. Minou Tavarez Mirabal (Dominican Republic), Min. Marita Perceval (former Convener of the PGA Program of International Law and Human Rights Program, and currently Deputy Minister for Institutional Reform and Strengthening of Democracy in Argentina), Ms. Hayde Birgin, (Latin American Team for Gender Equality), Ms. Mariana Rodríguez Pareja (CICC) and Ms. Fabiana Tuñez (La Casa del Encuentro).
'The aim of this meeting is to sensitize and raise public awareness about the conflicts women are facing, to install the theme of justice and gender equality in the public agenda, to generate a commitment to action and to ensure that nothing remains the same'', said Margarita Stolbizer, who was chairing the discussion, at the opening of the meeting.
This meeting was an important follow-up to PGA's 32nd Annual Forum on Women's Empowerment, which included a panel on gender justice as well as a previous meeting focusing on Governance, Development and Women's Empowerment, including UNSC Resolutions 1820 and 1325. PGA's Sustainable Development, Health and Population Program for the years 2011-2013 will organize a series of High-level Parliamentary Seminars and Study visits for Member Countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to address challenges and strategies for implementing the UN MDGs, socio-economic issues in addition to gender justice.