Legislator from the GEN Party, who is promoting the Arms Trade Treaty within the framework of the United Nations, asks His Holiness to support the inclusion of this matter in the Global Agenda.
Deputy Margarita Stolbizer, MP, President of the GEN/FAP Political Bloc in Argentina, was received in a private audience this morning by Pope Francis. Not only did they address issues pertaining to Argentina, but Deputy Stolbizer also presented the Pope with a policy brief from the organization Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), of which she is a member of the Executive Committee and Co-Convenor of its Peace & Democracy Program.
Efforts have been underway for a number of years to regulate the trade in conventional weapons to prevent these same weapons ending up in the illicit trade market, in the hands of drug traffickers and terrorists. Just one year ago, on the 2nd of April, 2013 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which is now in the process of signature and ratification by UN Member States: As of today, 31 States have ratified the Treaty and 118 have signed it. PGA is the leading global parliamentary organization spearheading the ratification efforts around the world.
For this reason, Deputy Stolbizer shared with Pope Francis her firm belief that this matter should be prioritized in the Global Agenda and included in Pope's sermons in favor of world peace.
According to Deputy Stolbizer, "the increase in insecurity is a result of violence and its root causes are primarily inequality and social marginalization, but it is also linked to the easy access to drugs and arms. One cannot be one step behind the events, placing band aids that do not solve the situation for the victims. We need to work on the causes to reduce the conditions underpinning crime and violence. All countries must therefore undertake a firm commitment to address this problem, which affects our countries internally at all levels of our societies, and also in the international context."
For his part, His Holiness, manifested once again his interest for the most impoverished sectors of society and the need to advance and foster mechanisms of democratic dialogue.
"I am overwhelmed by his message of humility, which never ceases to surprise, his common sense and his personal concern for the most vulnerable groups of society. Of course, we commit to continue praying for the Pope, because we know he has Argentina in his heart."
On April 22nd, the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina and PGA will convene a Regional Seminar to promote the Arms Trade Treaty in countries of Latin America. Senior officials from Argentina will participate, as well as international legislators, Ambassadors and, during the Opening Ceremony, Monsignor Jorge Lozano, President of the Social Ministry of the Episcopal Conference, will deliver a message.