New York/The Hague/Rome/Stockholm:
In a joint ceremony that took place today at United Nations Headquarters in New York, Italy and Sweden deposited their instruments of ratification of the Kampala Review Conference Amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the crime of aggression and war crimes. As a result of this development, 43 States out of the 123 States Parties to the ICC Statute are now bound by these amendments.
The imperative to put an end to impunity for the crime of aggression and war crimes are essential features of global affairs, as exemplified by the threatened war of aggression that is impending on the borders of Ukraine and by the repeated grave breaches of International Humanitarian Law (war crimes) occurring in contemporary armed conflicts in all regions of the world. On 21 January 2022, PGA President Ms. Kasthuri Patto, MP (Malaysia) and PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program Convenor Sen. Boris Dittrich (The Netherlands) co-signed a letter addressed to the President of the Republic of Ukraine Zelenskyi urging urgent action towards Ukraine’s ratification of the Amended Rome Statute as well as the promulgation into law of the Bill incorporating international crimes in the national framework, which was adopted by Parliament with an overwhelming majority of MPs, including Members of the PGA Ukraine National Group, in May 2021
Italy’s and Sweden’s ratifications were strongly supported by the respective National Groups of PGA.
The Italian Group, chaired by Hon. Lia Quartapelle, coordinated action in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lower House, where PGA’s Secretary-General was invited to provide an expert-briefing on 2 March 2021, immediately followed by the Committee’s adoption of the ratification bill. The plenary of the Italian Chamber of Deputies passed the Bill into Law on 4 November 2021. Intervening at the margins of today’s election in Parliament of the Italian President of the Republic, Hon. Quartapelle stated: