
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

International Justice Update - July 2024

This Update on International Justice is compiled and provided for informational purposes only. Any opinions expressed in articles contained in this Update are not necessarily endorsed by PGA or any individual/s associated with PGA; nor does PGA or any individual/s associated with PGA vouch for the accuracy of the contents of these articles.

Highlight of the Week
 Global Making Justice Work: Civil Society Unites In The Global Fight Against ImpunityPGA's Website
Impunity Gap
  Afghanistan Systemic gender oppression in Afghanistan may amount to crimes against humanity UN News
  Central African Republic CAR: Former President François Bozizé must face trial for crimes against humanity Amnesty International
  China China: UN Should Act on Crimes Against Humanity HRW
  Liberia Justice for Persons with Disabilities at the Liberia War Crimes Court: Learning from Missed Opportunities at the Special Court for Sierra Leone EJIL: Talk!
  Myanmar Rohingya ‘genocide intensifying’ as war rages in Myanmar’s Rakhine: BROUK Aljazeera
  Peru Human rights groups accuse Peru’s president of crimes against humanity in submission to ICC CNN
  Iran Rights Violations in Iran May Be Crimes Against Humanity, UN Investigators Find VOA
  Israel, Palest‌ine UN rights body demands Israel be held accountable for possible ‘war crimes’ Aljazeera
  Somalia Somalia: Death of 23 civilians in military strikes with Turkish drones may amount to war crimes – new investigation Amnesty International
  Sudan ‘Crimes against humanity’ may have been committed in Sudan, says UN chief Aljazeera
  Sudan Q&A: War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Ethnic Cleansing in West Darfur HRW
  Ukraine, Rus‌sia Brink on missile attack on Vilniansk: Russia must be held accountable for these war crimes Ukrinform
Legislative/Parliamentary Developments
  OSCE PA OSCE Parliamentary Assembly recognizes Russia's actions as genocide of Ukrainian people Ukrinform
  United States US House passes Republican bill to sanction International Criminal Court over Israel Reuters
Judicial Developments
  Argentina, Myan‌mar Argentina prosecutor requests arrest warrants for Rohingya genocide suspects Jurist
  Argentina, Vene‌zuela In an Argentine court, Venezuelans testify to alleged crimes against humanity under President Maduro AP News
  France, Syr‌ia France court upholds warrant for Syria's Assad over chemical weapons Middle East Monitor
  France, Syr‌ia Syrian Officials Convicted of Crimes Against Humanity in France HRW
  ICC, Li‌bya Libya war crimes probe to advance next year: ICC prosecutor Arab News
  ICC, Mal‌i Situation in Mali: Mr Al Hassan convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Timbuktu ICC Website
  ICC, Ma‌li Situation in Mali: ICC unseals arrest warrant against Iyad Ag Ghaly ICC Website
  ICC, Palest‌ine Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC: Applications for arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine ICC Website
  ICC, Ukr‌aine Situation in Ukraine: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu and Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov ICC Website
  ICJ Spain intervenes in ICJ case on genocide prevention in Gaza Middle East Monitor
  Montenegro Montenegro state prosecutor orders investigation into former prosecutor for war crimes during Yugoslav conflict Jurist
  Sweden Sweden court acquits former Syrian general of alleged war crimes Aljazeera
  Switzerland Swiss court finds Gambian ex-minister guilty of crimes against humanity Aljazeera