On 16 November 2016, the Constitutional Committee chaired by PGA member Dip. Ramos Soto, approved the bill that creates national mechanisms to efficiently cooperate with the ICC tabled by PGA member Dip. Jorge Cálix. The bill will be discussed when the plenary sessions resume in 2017.
Dip. Ramos Soto, while attending on 28-29 September 2016 a Sub-Regional Parliamentary Seminar on the ICC: Legislators from Latin America commit to the principle of Never again and Reparation for Victims, had already pledged, as a commitment with his constituents and the international community, to advance the work on the draft cooperation bill, by working with PGA members and other legislators from other political parties in the House and Senate to foster political will.
On that occasion, Dip. Ramos and Dip. Cálix also committed to advancing the discussions on the amendments to the Criminal Code, to which PGA has contributed, as well as liaise with all relevant stakeholders from the Executive branch to promote the ratification of the Kampala Amendments and the full implementation of the Rome Statute of the ICC.