December 24, 2014
Statement by Dip. Minou Tavarez Mirabal, President of Parliamentarians for Global Action
Today the Arms Trade Treaty enters into force. In a world that still suffers greatly from massive human rights abuses in so many places, the ATT, properly implemented, offers real hope to all - that the preferred instruments used to commit so many of these atrocities - small arms and many other weapons - can be much more tightly regulated, controlled and - in many instances - silenced altogether.
Preventing genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes requires not just one, but a variety of tools - all working in unison. Disabling the preferred means used to commit these horrific crimes as well as vigorously investigating and prosecuting these crimes when committed. Not only arms used in conflict must be eradicated, but also impunity for the actions taken.
There is a front end and a back end to this process. And, in many ways just as important - the third part of this equation - effectively addressing what leads individuals to persecute, to commit these grave international crimes in the first place - intolerance, inequality and discrimination. PGA Members worldwide have already made substantive contributions towards the ratification of the ATT in many countries - hastening its entry into force. Our Campaign for Universality of the ATT will continue, undiminished and unrelenting, in the months and years ahead.
PGA's Global Parliamentary Campaign for Universality and Implementation of the ATT is active in over 70 countries worldwide. PGA Members have made important contributions in the processes leading to 45 of the 128 signatures as well as 27 of the 60 ratifications of the ATT achieved to date.
PGA's Global Parliamentary Campaign for Universality and Implementation of the ATT is supported by the United Nations Trust Fund Supporting Cooperation on Arms Regulation (UNSCAR) and receives core support from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. PGA's Peace & Democracy Program closely complimentary work in better regulating the trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons worldwide in supported by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.
Peter Barcroft
Director, PGA Peace & Democracy Program
Global Parliamentary Campaign for Universality and Implementation of ATT
New York
Robert Falay
Program Associate, PGA Peace & Democracy Program
Global Parliamentary Campaign for Universality and Implementation of ATT
New York
Grazia Mazza
PGA Events Organization and Liaison Officer
The Hague