On 21 September 2016, Dip. Marisol Peñafiel, Chair of the PGA National Group of Ecuador, tabled a bill to amend the Criminal Code and include national mechanisms to enhance the cooperation with the ICC, draft bill to which PGA has provided technical assistance. The bill is now being discussed in the Legislation Committee.
In the framework of its Campaign on the Effectiveness and Universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, PGA organized on 12-13 February 2015, in collaboration with the government and Parliament of Ecuador, a Technical Round-Table on the full implementation of the Rome Statute and the ratification of the Kampala Amendments by Ecuador, under the leadership of PGA member Dip. Marisol Peñafiel. The Parliamentary Technical Round-Table took place during the Justice Committee official session in order to analyze the revised Organic Criminal Code as well as the Cooperation Bill drafted with PGA’s technical assistance. The discussions were essential as they dealt with conditions for effective domestic investigations and prosecutions of international crimes, as well as full cooperation with the ICC, specifically through comprehensive and effective implementing legislation of the Rome Statute.
Dip. Marisol Peñafiel has reaffirmed on many instances her commitment to foster political will in parliament and further the process of implementing the Rome Statute in the national legal order, in compliance with Ecuador’s international obligations as a State party to the Rome Statute.