New York/The Hague:
Dip. Margarita Stolbizer, Argentina, became Acting President of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) on 17 August 2016 following the end of the Parliamentary term of former PGA President: Dip. Minou Tavarez Mirabal from the Dominican Republic.
Dip. Stolbizer is an Argentinean lawyer and prominent politician. She was first elected to the Argentinean Parliament in 1983 and is a former candidate for the presidency of the country. She is currently serving her fourth term in Parliament and has served as a member of the Constitutional Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Justice, Budget and Finance Committees. Since 2000, she has contributed to PGA as a member of the Executive Board, International Council, Chair of PGA's National Group in Argentina, and Co-Convenor of the International Peace and Security Program.
On assuming the duties of Acting President, Dip Stolbizer stated,
“I have the immense honor of assuming today the Presidency of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) by decision of the Executive Committee, to replace Dip. Minou Tavarez Mirabal. It is an honor to be part, for so many years, of a global organization of members of democratic parliaments in the world that has the main objective of defending the Rule of Law and human rights and fighting for peace. For many years, the global PGA network have contributed to strengthen democracy: Hence, today, the organization has recognition and prestige. I want to give special thanks to our outgoing President for her tireless work to achieve the institutional objectives of the organization, as well as her extraordinary human values that have been made available to our collective work. Dear Minou, you have left an indelible mark in PGA, with your valuable insights and sense of parliamentary diplomacy and companionship, supported by your high intellectual abilities and humility of spirit. I also thank our professional, technical and administrative staff for their tireless efforts for PGA and commit to continue working with each of them to pursue a world of peace with full respect for fundamental rights, to be guaranteed to all persons equally.
I take this opportunity to convene, once again, the next Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court & the Rule of Law, held in conjunction with the PGA Annual Forum in Dakar, Senegal, on 9 and 10 December of this year.”
- Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina)
Dip Stolbizer will serve in the role of Acting PGA President through December 2016, when new elections will be held by the PGA International Council.
Please note that on 23 July 2016, Speakers of Parliaments received an official invitation-letter for the 9th CAP-ICC and 38th PGA Annual Forum.