
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World

PGA Delegation to the Arms Trade Treaty Conference in 2013

March 18-28, 2013 | UN Headquarters, New York City

Executive Summary

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) brought a Delegation of 6 Legislators from around the world to attend the Arms Trade Treaty Conference, being held at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 18-28 March 2013.

PGA Member Parlimentarians have attended all 4 ATT Preparatory Committee Meetings from 2010-2011 as well as the July 2012 ATT Conference.

Many have done so as Members of the Official Delegations of their respective countries and a large number have also had the opportunity to participate in the actual proceedings of these past UN Member State ATT sessions, including delivering the formal presentations of their countries at the Conference itself.

PGA is the only parliamentary organization which is a Member of the Steering Board of Control Arms, the global coalition for the large number of civil society organizations worldwide that is engaged in supporting the ATT. As such it plays a substantive, ongoing role in the policy deliberations and decisions of the Control Arms Campaign.

PGA Peace & Democracy Staff drafted the Control Arms Global Parliamentary Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty, with input from several other prominent NGOs. In a period of only 7 months, 2,100 Legislators from 114 countries have signed this Declaration, highlighting the essential role that Members of Parliament play in promoting the ATT. List of Signatories of the Global Parliamentarian Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty PGA, through its worldwide membership, played a decisive role in securing over 85% of all these signatures for this Global Parliamentary Declaration on the ATT.

PGA Member Parliamentarians are currently mobilizing globally to ensure that their colleagues in the Executive Branch of government in their respective countries will engage constructively in support of the finalization of a robust ATT text at the March 2013 ATT Conference.

Further information on the ATT and preparations for the ATT March 2013 Conference may be viewed here.

Further information on PGA's Peace & Democracy Program may be viewed here and/or by contacting Peter Barcroft, Director of Projects, PGA at or Monica Adame, Program Officer, PGA at


MsTingaK, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Malawi has ratified the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) a multilateral agreement that regulates trade in conventional weapons.

Regional Caribbean Workshop to address the illicit trade in SALW in Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, and Trinidad and Tobago

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Gabon's Acceptance of the Arms Trade Treaty on 21st September, 2022, makes it the 112th State Party to the ATT.