
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World

Costa Rican parliamentarians discuss the Escazú Agreement

On 30 January 2023, parliamentarians in Costa Rica convened for a Roundtable Discussion on Protecting Human Rights Defenders of Environmental Matters: The Escazú Agreement. Representatives from the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) highlighted the importance of the Escazú Agreement as a valuable tool to ensure the rights to access justice, information, and participation in environmental matters. The regional Agreement for Latin America and the Caribbean aims to recognize, protect, and promote the rights of all human rights defenders of the environment. The timely discussion took place ahead of a vote by the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica to extend the timeline to consider the bill to ratify the Agreement.

The recorded meeting is available below:

PGA invites parliamentarians to learn more about the Escazú Agreement and the role of parliamentarians in PGA’s Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The Escazú Agreement, an Environmental and Human Rights Treaty, available in English and Spanish.

The PGA Secretariat stands ready to assist you in these or other actions. For technical assistance and/or additional resources, please contact:

Ms. Faatimah Saarah Monawvil
Human Rights and Environment Program

Ms. Ana Filipa Vilalva Repas
Program Associate
Human Rights and Environment Program