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PGA Congratulates the Congress of the Republic of Peru on its approval in plenary of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty

Image: PGA 37th Annual Forum, 01 Dec 2015
Image: PGA 37th Annual Forum, 01 Dec 2015

Peru - PGA Congratulates the Congress of the Republic of Peru on its approval in plenary of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty on December 3rd, 2015. 

Hon. Yonhy Lescano Ancieta MP has been an active PGA Member for nearly four years, since 2012 when he signed the Global Parliamentary Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty, spearheaded by PGA and eventually signed by over 2,100 MPs in 114 countries worldwide. Since that time, Hon. Lescano has actively promoted adoption, signature and ratification of the ATT and also participated actively in PGA's April 2014 Regional Latin America Workshop to Promote Signature and Ratification of the ATT in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


MsTingaK, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Malawi has ratified the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) a multilateral agreement that regulates trade in conventional weapons.

Regional Caribbean Workshop to address the illicit trade in SALW in Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, and Trinidad and Tobago

This workshop sought to address important issues such as armed violence in the Caribbean region as well as an overview of the UN Program of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (PoA) and the International Tracing Instrument (ITI)..

PGA's International Peace and Security Program congratulates the Government of Gabon on the occasion of its Acceptance of the Arms Trade Treaty on 21st September, 2022, becoming the 112th State Party to the ATT

Gabon's Acceptance of the Arms Trade Treaty on 21st September, 2022, makes it the 112th State Party to the ATT.