"File:Camara-diputados-chile.JPG" by Leandro Kibisz (Loco085) is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 .
On Wednesday 6 April 2016 the Chamber of Deputies of Chile unanimously adopted resolution 526 calling on the Executive to send a bill on cooperation with the International Criminal Court, in accordance with the obligations assumed when Chile ratified the Rome Statute.
In addition, the parliamentarians proposed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take into consideration in the drafting of the Bill on Cooperation for Chile, the PGA Reference Law on Cooperation and Relationship with the International Criminal Court of Parliamentarians. This Resolution was introduced on 15 December 2015 by Tucapel Jimenez , PGA National Group president, Jenny Alvarez , PGA member, Ramón Farías, PGA member together with four other members of parliament from different political parties. In the resolution, the lawmakers referred to the different laws passed to ratify the Rome Statute in Chile, including the constitutional reform (law no. 20.352) and to implement its substantive part, i.e. crimes and principles included in the Statute ( law no. 20,357).
Moreover, the authors of the resolution stated that regarding the obligation to cooperate with the ICC, the government of Chile submitted to the Secretariat of State on July 7 2014 a note stating that: "a Working Group with representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is preparing a draft law on cooperation with the International Criminal Court which is expected to enter soon to National Congress" however, to date Chile does not have a specific law in this area.