In line with PGA’s vision to contribute to the creation of a rules-based international order for a more equitable, safe and democratic world, our Member Parliamentarians promote the full participation of women and girls in their communities and countries and the protection of their human rights, in particular through the prevention and elimination of child, early and forced marriage.
In the framework of PGA’s Campaign to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage (Campaign on CEFM) and, in collaboration with PGA’s National Group in Ghana and Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, PGA convened a Capacity Building Seminar for African Parliamentarians on Addressing Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM), on March 2-3, 2016 which was hosted by the Parliament of Ghana in Accra.
The Seminar’s objectives were to raise awareness and build capacity among members of Parliament (MPs) to effectively address CEFM and promote its inclusion in parliamentary agendas; build political support to foster an enabling legal and policy environment that protects women’s and girls’ rights; discuss strategies on how to implement and monitor, in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals’ target 5.3, PGA’s Global Parliamentary Declaration to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) at the national level; as well as to promote cross-learning among African Parliamentarians to consolidate a network of peers working together to end this practice in the region.
The activity fostered lively discussions and exchanges of best practices on policies and legislation to end child marriage among MPs from Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe as well as with human rights practitioners, Ghanaian high-level officials, and representatives of local civil society.
PGA’s Campaign on CEFM was formally launched with the adoption of the Accra Statement of Commitment at PGA’s Parliamentary Seminar to Address Child, Early and Forced Marriage in Ghana held in collaboration with the Parliament of Ghana and Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF), in Accra, Ghana two years ago. PGA also conducted a Capacity-Building Discussion on Child, Early and Forced Marriage with Tanzanian Parliamentarians on June 21, 2015 in Parliament House, in Dodoma, Tanzania, where participants adopted a Resolution on Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM).
To date, 774 MPs from 79 countries have signed PGA’s Parliamentary Declaration to End Child Marriage. If you would like to add your name and country onto this Declaration, please visit: https://www.pgaction.org/gei/cefm/declaration-to-end-child-early-and-forced-marriage.html