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Military Authorities in Burkina Faso must respect the Constitutional Order

All democratic institutions have been suspended or dissolved in violation of the Constitution. This is the third country in the West African region to experience a military coup in the last eighteen months. It is true that self-styled ‘jihadist’ militia have inflicted much pain in my country and the region, but a military coup, enforcing a state of exception is not a viable solution. The dissolution of the government and National Assembly severely undermines the progress made by my country in the strengthening of its democratic institutions

The vague promise of the Military to “return to constitutional order” within a “reasonable timeframe” offers no guarantees to the country and its population, in a region marred by severe human rights violations inter alia committed by violent extremism’s insurgents. Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) urges all Burkinabe military authorities to immediately surrender their weapons and respect the constitutional order by returning to a civilian-led and democratically elected government.