
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

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PGA Participates in the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention

PGA's International Peace and Security Program staff participated in a portion of the 9th Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). The accompanying delegation included parliamentarians and government officials from Chad, Djibouti, Somalia and South Sudan.

ASP 21 Side Event: Challenges For The Rome Statute System And The Fight Against Impunity

This side event offered an important opportunity to facilitate discussion among States and other stakeholders on identifying a way forward to produce guidelines or criteria on merit-based and transparent national nomination procedures.

Parliamentarians highlight the importance of the Escazú Agreement at the First Annual Forum on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters in Latin America & the Caribbean

The Forum aimed to discuss the situation of human rights defenders in environmental matters in the region, with participants representing the Parties to the Escazú Agreement, recognized specialists in the field, human rights defenders, indigenous peoples and local communities, and people or groups in vulnerable situations who defend the environment.

PGA welcomes the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2663 (2022) on November 30th, 2022

The resolution extends the mandate of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) for 10 years, in particular its acknowledgement of the importance of Parliamentarians in seeking its full implementation.

Parliamentarians gather to discuss the protection of the Oceans

The Breakfast Discussion provided parliamentarians the opportunity to discuss recent actions, share experiences, and explore next steps for the three Oceans Campaign projects

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The Escazú Agreement,  an Environmental and Human Rights Treaty

This Factsheet for Parliamentarians introduces the Escazú Agreement, a groundbreaking regional treaty in Latin America and the Caribbean, that serves as a key tool to catalyze climate governance and action from a human rights-based approach

Former MPs Call for New Zealand  to Make Aggression a Leadership Crime

Former MPs propose a cross-party consensus within this 53rd Parliament to adopt legislation ratifying the 2010 Kampala Amendment to the 1998 Rome Statute that would make ‘aggression’ a crime in NZ domestic law.

PGA expresses its firm support for the human rights to life and freedom for all in Iran

PGA calls for an immediate cessation of all policies and practices of the Iranian regime aimed at repressing the peaceful protests characterized by the slogan “women, life, freedom.”

12th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians on the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law (CAP-ICC)

PGA Members adopt the Buenos Aires Plan of Action to Enhance the Fight Against Impunity

The Gambia commits to commence preparation and submission of its First National Report on Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540

PGA's International Peace and Security Program warmly welcomes the written commitment made by The Government of the Republic of The Gambia on November 8th, 2022

PGA recognizes three prominent champions of human rights and democracy with Defender of Democracy Awards 2022 in Buenos Aires

PGA is delighted to honor Dr. Luis Fondebrider, Ms. Oleksandra Matviichuk and Mr. Vladimir Kara-Murza, as recipients of the 2022 Defender of Democracy Award.

PGA/UNDP’s Parliamentary Roundtable at the Caribbean Regional Dialogue on  LGBTQI+ D.A.T.A.

The objective of the Regional Dialogue was to provide a platform to bring human rights practitioners to showcase their data-driven research and findings about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI+) people in the Caribbean.

20th International Day against the Death Penalty

Today, October 10 marks the 20th International Day Against the Death Penalty, an important moment to recall the importance of our efforts to advance the abolitionist movement, for which parliamentarians have played and continue to play a crucial role.

PGA congratulates the Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine) for its Nobel Peace Prize

The Center for Civil Liberties has been the most credible, consistent, and coherent voice in support of all human rights for all in Ukraine since the peaceful Euromaidan revolution of 2014.

Regional Caribbean Workshop to address the illicit trade in SALW in Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, and Trinidad and Tobago

This workshop sought to address important issues such as armed violence in the Caribbean region as well as an overview of the UN Program of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (PoA) and the International Tracing Instrument (ITI)..

PGA congratulates the Government of Gabon on the occasion of its Acceptance of the Arms Trade Treaty

Gabon's Acceptance of the Arms Trade Treaty on 21st September, 2022, makes it the 112th State Party to the ATT.

Towards a just Peace – Affirming the rights of victims of the Crime of Aggression

Online roundtable meeting and open debate among victims, professionals, parliamentarians, and other stakeholders.

Implementing Accountability in Ukraine

PGA reiterates the importance of holding accountable perpetrators of the gravest crimes, including leaders responsible for the crime of aggression.