
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

News Center

6th International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Program of Action (IPCI/ICPD)

The Sixth International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Program of Action (IPCI/ICPD) begins on April 23rd in Stockholm, Sweden to promote dialogue among parliamentarians f

PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty

Together with the Parliament of Argentina, PGA will host a Regional Parliamentary Workshop to promote Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty in Buenos Aires in April 2014.

First Annual High-Level Meeting of the “Group of Friends of the ICC”

Proposal for an annual high-level meeting in April of the “Group of Friends of the ICC” to highlight the importance of the ICC in relation to accountability, prevention and justice for victims.

PGA Mourns the Passing of Hon. A.N.R. Robinson, Founder of PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program

The Honorable Mr. Arthur N.R. Robinson, former President and Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, and esteemed former member of PGA, created PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program and its Campaign for the International Criminal Court.

Audience of Margarita Stolbizer MP (Argentina), with Pope Francis

Legislator from the GEN Party, who is promoting the Arms Trade Treaty within the framework of the United Nations, asks His Holiness to support the inclusion of this matter in the Global Agenda.

PGA Statement on the First Anniversary of the Adoption of the Arms Trade Treaty

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the adoption of the Arms Trade Treaty, PGA welcomes its ratification today by Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Romania, Slovakia

PGA Members applaud US government’s renewed efforts to arrest Joseph Kony & Co.

PGA Members applaud US government’s renewed efforts to arrest Joseph Kony & Co. Press Releases News Center

PGA Members Condemn Visit of President al-Bashir to the DRC and call the Congolese authorities to arrest him

PGA members condemn the visit of President Al Bashir to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and call the Congolese authorities to fulfil their obligations to cooperate with the International Criminal Court under the Rome Statute of the ICC

Members of PGA Commend Ad Hoc Acceptance of ICC Jurisdiction pertaining to recent events in Ukraine

Members of PGA Commend Ad Hoc Acceptance of ICC Jurisdiction pertaining to recent events in Ukraine Press Releases News Center

Dr. Bernadette Lahai Keynote Address at West Africa/ECOWAS ATT Training Workshop

Keynote Address by PGA Member Hon. Dr. Bernadette Lahai, MP (Sierra Leone) at West Africa/ECOWAS ATT Training Workshop

Working Breakfast / Strategy Meeting on EU Support to the ICC at the European Parliament

(joint meeting of the PGA EP Group and the EP Group of the “Friends of the ICC”), organized by MEP. Barbara Lochbihler, PGA member, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Urgent Parliamentary Action to Stop Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide in Central African Republic

With this urgent appeal we call upon action from your countries to help the International Community to prevent a genocide in Central African Republic.

Mexican Constitution amended to allow more efficient cooperation with the ICC

On February 11, 2014, 35 members of Parliament in Mexico have signed the Initiative that contains a draft decree amending the eighth paragraph of Article 21 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States to harmonize it with the Rome Statute.

Conference: Russia and The Ukraine Crisis: The Efficacy of International Law in Mitigate Aggression

The panel discussed the annexation and aggression and the effectiveness of international law/international criminal law in these situations.

Meeting of the Working Group on the Fight against Impunity in Francophone Africa

The Working Group on the fight against impunity in Francophone African countries met for its 1th session under the gracious auspices of the National Assembly of Côte d’Ivoire in Abidjan on 31 January and 1 February 2014.

PGA Deplores Death Threat Against Colombian MP and Human Rights Defender

The Hague/New York/Bogota February 7 2014: Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) expresses its deep concern and condemnation of the death threats against Rep. Ivan Cepeda, a well respected Colombian parliamentarian and human rights defender, as

PGA Tribute to Mrs. Dede Mirabal

PGA expresses its deepest condolences to the Mirabal family and to all the people of Dominican Republic on the occasion of the death, on February 1, 2014 at 88 years old, of Mrs. Belgica Adela ¨Dede¨ Mirabal.

The Chair of PGA’s European Parliament National Group, Mr. Helmut Scholz, MEP (Germany) takes charge in EU on ATT

PGA Member Helmut Scholz MEP takes charge in EU on ATT Press Releases News Center