
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

News Center

PGA National Group in Liberia Welcomes Ratification of Arms Trade Treaty

On 21 April 2015, the Government of Liberia deposited its Instrument of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty

Czech Republic and Switzerland approve Kampala Amendments

Parliamentarians around the world celebrate the acceptance by the Czech Republic of both Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC and the Swiss Federal Assembly unanimous approval of the ratification of the Kampala Amendments

PGA Condemns the Brutal Assassination of Ugandan leading State-Prosecutor Ms. Joan Kagezi

PGA firmly condemns her brutal and senseless assassination, occurred on 30 March, 2015 in Kampala

PGA Statement concerning the restrictions of personal liberty against Mr. Ahmed Mahloof, MP (Maldives), PGA Member

PGA expresses its undiminished solidarity with Mr. Mahloof for his prolonged detention without formal charges being presented to him before an independent judge.

PGA congratulates Chad on ratifying the Arms Trade Treaty

PGA congratulates its National Group in Chad for its tireless efforts over the past years which made an important contribution leading to the deposit on March 25th, 2015 of the Instrument of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty by the Government of Chad

PGA Calls for Peaceful Presidential Elections in Nigeria

PGA urges Nigerians to restrain from using violence during the presidential elections to be held on the 28 March 2015 and calls for peaceful elections.

Pakistan - Chair of PGA National Group in Pakistan endorsed by Prime Minister of Pakistan to be President of Senate

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday endorsed the nomination of Senator Raza Rabbani as candidate for the election of Chairman Senate

PGA Calls for Bringing to Justice the Perpetrators of the Tunis Attacks

PGA believes that this week’s attacks against civilians in Tunis, which have been claimed by ISIS, might fall under the definition of ‘crimes against humanity’ as defined in the Rome Statute, to which Tunisia has acceded in 2011.

Parliamentary Mission to the Parliament and Government of Haiti to promote Ratification of the Rome Statute - 12, 13 March 2015

PGA has organized a Parliamentary Mission from the Dominican Republic to the Parliament and Government of Haiti to contribute to the furtherance of the country’s engagement with international justice and to promote Ratification of the Rome Statute.

Field Missions on Non-Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname

Within the framework of PGA’s Campaign Against Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) (SOGI Campaign), the Gender, Equality and Population Program conducted field missions to Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname

International Women’s Day 2015

Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it!

PGA Welcomes the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Suriname

PGA welcomes the abolition of the death penalty by the Parliament of Suriname, in the framework of the discussions regarding the adoption of the new Criminal Co

Pakistan - PGA Co-Covenor of Peace & Democracy Program, Naveed Qamar MP (Pakistan) organizes 2nd Roundtable Meeting on ATT in National Assembly of Pakistan

A session of round table discussion on Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), an important subject of International Peace and Security (P&D) Program of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), was held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 in Parliament House, Pakistan.

 ICC Prosecutor Bensouda met with PGA National Group in Parliament of Uganda

Members of the Ugandan National Group of PGA met with the Prosecutor of the ICC during her first official visit to the country in this position.

PGA congratulates Côte d’Ivoire on ratifying the Arms Trade Treaty

PGA congratulates its National Group in Côte d’Ivoire for its relentless efforts over the past 18 months which made an important contribution leading to the deposit yesterday of the Instrument of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty by the Government of

Hon. Bernadette Lahai MP participates in Parliamentary Debate on Small Arms and Light Weapons Reguations

Sierra Leone - Longstanding PGA Member Hon. Bernadette Lahai MP participates in Parliamentary Debate on Small Arms and Light Weapons Reguations

The Fight against Impunity for the most serious crimes under International Law is an imperative for the International Community as a whole

Is the International Community Abandoning the Fight Against Impunity? Intervention by David Donat Cattin (Ph.D., Law), Secretary-General, Parliamentarians for Global Action; Adjunct Professor of International Law, NYU Center for Global Affairs

PGA Regional Pacific Islands Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty

From 18-19 May, 2015, PGA, with the kind cooperation of the Legislative Assembly of Tonga, will organize and host a Regional Parliamentary Workshop to promote Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty in the Pacific Islands Region.