
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

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The Crimes and Violence Committed in Ituri Province Will Not Go Unpunished

PGA Members in the DRC call on the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Prosecutor at the Bunia Court of Appeal to investigate and prosecute alleged perpetrators of international crimes...

PGA Member Dip. Lia Quartapelle (Italy) calls on government to suspend arms exports to all countries directly involved in the conflict in Yemen

The decision by Italy’s Parliament, to halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE while there is clear risk of use in violations in Yemen, follows recent similar legislation in US Senate & decisions in the UK and Belgium.

Brazil Takes Action to Criminalize Homophobic Acts

These steps are in the rights direction. Let’s hope the application of the legal framework brings justice and protection to all LGBTI persons in Brazil.

Official Statement from Assemblywoman Soledad Buendía (President, PGA Ecuador) regarding Marriage Equality in her country

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador gave way to equal civil marriage in Ecuador on Wednesday...

Sudan: Peace and Stabilization Demand Accountability

PGA reiterates its call for Sudanese authorities to surrender former President al-Bashir to the ICC and reaffirms its recommendations for a peaceful transition

World Oceans Day – Malaysian Lawmakers Discuss Future of Our Oceans

PGA Malaysia National Group commits to address Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported Fishing and Implement SDG14.

PGA Congratulates Council of Ministers of Government of South Sudan on its Decision to Accede to Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention

PGA wishes to congratulate the Council of Ministers of the Government of South Sudan on its approval of accession by South Sudan to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) on Friday 7th June, 2019.

PGA Statement on Diputada Sandra Morán from Guatemala

Diputada Morán’s efforts to discuss and pass laws to protect girls from violence have faced strong opposition and rejection in the Congress of Guatemala.

Pacific Islands States Commit to Advancing International Criminal Justice

On 31 May 2019, more than 40 members of parliament, government representatives, and senior diplomats convened at a strategic high-level event in Vanuatu, to promote the advancement of international criminal justice in the Pacific Islands region.

New Hampshire becomes 21st US state to abolish the death penalty

This historic achievement is an excellent reminder that it is essential to continue mobilizing against the death penalty, particularly when it is applied disproportionately against minorities and vulnerable groups.

Regional Caribbean Parliamentary Workshop to promote Universality and Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004)

The workshop was held in the National Assembly of Trinidad and Tobago in Port of Spain from 29-30 April, 2019.

Regional Africa Workshop on Promoting the Role of Women Parliamentarians in Africa in Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

PGA organized a Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Women Parliamentarians in Africa in Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the National Assembly of The Gambia in Banjul - 16-17 May, 2019.

LGBTI Blog: Parliamentarians should protect the rights of all Belizeans

By Senator Valerie Woods, member of the Senate of Belize and member of the Board of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA)

La experiencia en inclusión LGBTI de Argentina en el contexto de las Américas

Por Carla Pitiot, Diputada en el Congreso de la Nación Argentina, Presidenta del Grupo Nacional de PGA en Argentina y miembro de la Junta Directiva de PGA

Latin American Parliamentarians meet in Montevideo to promote International Justice

On 6 and 7 May 2019, the House of Representatives of Uruguay hosted forty participants from Latin America to discuss and reflect on international justice as a fundamental tool to strengthen the rule of law and the protection of human rights.

LGBTI Blog: Guaranteeing rights for LGBTI people in Dominican Republic

By Diputado Fidel Santana, Chair of the Human Rights Committee in the Chamber of Deputies of Dominican Republic and member of Parliamentarians for Global Action

PGA’s National Group in Venezuela condemns the systematic attack on the National Assembly of Venezuela

PGA’s National Group in Venezuela condemns the systematic attack on the National Assembly of Venezuela and supports the political roadmap to end the dictatorship, the persecution of dissidents, and the violation of human rights...

PGA demands an end to the political persecution of the elected members of the National Assembly of Venezuela by the regime of Maduro

Mr. Edgar Zambrano, vice-president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, was arbitrarily detained on Wednesday 8 May 2019 by agents of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN) in Caracas.