
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

News Center

PGA Argentina National Group supports the Campaign for a Global Democratic Governance

Dip. Carla Piccolomini, Chair of the PGA Argentina Group, expressed the group’s support for the Campaign which aims to foster political will for necessary reforms to international institutions amid the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic.

Legislators from Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia discuss the fight against impunity

Members of the House of Deputies of Lebanon, of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco and of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People of Tunisia met virtually to discuss and exchange ideas on the fight against impunity.

PGA commemorates International Justice Day, emphasizing the importance of states’ efforts in reinforcing international and domestic justice systems

On 17 July, international community commemorates the International Justice Day, this year marking the 22nd anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

As environmental damages and crimes amass, the interconnection between protection of human rights and nature becomes more prevalent

A webinar on “Putting an End to Greed: The interaction between respect for human rights and the protection of nature” featured the participation of experts in the field of international law, sustainable development, advocacy and human rights.

Former PGA President Minou Tavárez Mirabal commits to supporting victims of international crimes as new Board Member of the Trust Fund for Victims at the ICC

The Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims at the ICC, established by the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC, announced a new member: Dr. Minou Tavárez Mirabal.

Central African Republic adopts law on the General Regime of Conventional Weapons, Their Parts, Components and Munitions

The National Assembly has voted to adopt the law on the General Regime of Conventional Weapons, Their Parts, Components and Munitions.

Chile passes implementing legislation for the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC)

On 2 July 2020, the Chamber of Deputies of Chile unanimously approved a bill to implement the Biological Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Convention into domestic Law.

Parliamentarians in Gabon decriminalize homosexuality

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) congratulates the Parliament of Gabon for repealing paragraph 5 of Article 402 of its Criminal Code, which criminalized same-sex sexual relations.

Urgent Action Alert 3: Venezuela

In recent years, an increasing number of members of parliament, journalists, and social leaders have been repressed and jailed by the Venezuelan government based upon their convictions.

PGA Decries the Passage of National Security Legislation and Attacks on Hong Kong Democracy

Today, 1 July 2020, marks the 23rd anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong from British administration. However, this day might be remembered in future both for the end of Hong Kong’s colonial rule and demise of its democracy...

Member Op-Ed: Parliamentarians Must Face the Democratic Impacts of Covid-19 Together

by Mr. Anders Österberg, MP (Sweden), and Hon. Dorcas Sibanda, MP (Zimbabwe)

PGA Joins Pro-Democracy Institutions, World Leaders, and Nobel Laureates  in “A Call to Defend Democracy”

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) is honored to join more than 500 political, civil leaders, Nobel Laureates and pro-democracy institutions who have signed an open letter to defend democracy in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Members of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) can S.T.A.N.D. with Hong Kong

PGA Members worldwide have asked how they can act in support of democracy. In response, PGA has compiled an acrostic with five concrete ways you can S.T.A.N.D. with Hong Kong.

Racism, machismo, LGBTIphobia and coronavirus: Which one will kill me first?

By Robeyonce Lima. The narrative of a pandemic demands a fast response and emergency mechanisms that end up upsetting human dignity. This means that systemic faults are explicitly manifested and expose serious, long-standing social challenges.

The Central African Republic transfers Ali Kushayb to the International Criminal Court

Ali Kushayb is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Darfur (Sudan) between 2002 and 2004.

Urgent Action Alert 2: El Salvador

For more than 20 years, the political bipartisanship led by the Alianza Republicana Nacionalista party (ARENA) and the Farabundo Martí Front for National Liberation (FMLN) has generated significant frustrations in El Salvador

World Oceans Day: Parliamentarians are Vital to Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean

World Oceans Day is celebrated every year on 8 June, following the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

 PGA Statement on the Degradation of Rule of Law in the United States: The Role of Parliamentarians as Custodians of Democracy, Human Rights, Justice, and Peace

PGA adds its voice to those of respected domestic and international human rights organisations in condemning all forms of racial discrimination and expressing profound concern over recent events in the United States.